TVedia Media Front-End Reviewed


HTPC enthusiast Eirik Solheim spent some time with TVedia and came away very impressed, despite the software’s lack of DVR functionality. However… What immediately caught my eye was the Amazon affiliate advertising built into the interface (in addition to the $35 software fee). I exchanged a few emails with Eirik who informed me the “feature” is optional and sent along a screenshot showing how users can toggle the ads. It’s an interesting strategy and well executed given TVedia’s spartan interface and disable options.

Eirik writes: TVedia is a media center frontend with some extremely interesting networking functionality and a very nice interface for YouTube, Google Video, Flickr, LastFM and other media related web sites. I recently gave it a run on my Windows Media Center Edition box. So far this is one of the most interesting products I have seen in this space for a long time! The music library, networking and online features are way better than what I am used to in MCE.

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Email of the Day: Dave’s a TiVo Chump?

I get tons of blog-related email, but this one really stands out for its length, passion, lack of spell check, and frequent use of the word chump. ;) Dave, Hey chump……I think you need to try a 622 hddvr which cost me exactly $0. Chump….did you even realize that the 622 has a 300gb hard … Read more

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