TiVo has a long and storied history of miscommunication. So, while they’re still promising Plex will arrive with software update 20.4.7… those of us on that build for weeks are doubtful the switch will be flipped at this point. Enter 20.4.8, for which TiVo is now soliciting prioritity signups. Of course, we still don’t know if Plex will be a native app versus something buried within Opera, nor do we know its capabilties. But, we sure are anxious to find out, as the potential is awesome.
TiVo Now Offers Roamio OTA Lifetime Service
As TiVo expands cord cutter marketing, they’ve now brought a Lifetime Service option to Roamio OTA. At least on an experimental basis. For a single $300 fee, you can now pick up a Roamio OTA bundled with a lifetime of TiVo service. Given four HD tuners, a 500GB drive, several solid apps like Netflix and Amazon Instant, … Read more