TiVo Unveils $50 Premium ‘Glo’ Remote

TiVo.com has begun selling the Series3 remote as a $49.99 accessory. Not only does the remote control the S3, most Series2 units are supported as well. One slight difference over the bundled S3 unit: instead of a silver perimeter, this sports a chrome rim. TiVo’s remote control designer points out enhancements versus the standard Series2 … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Cingular to provide phone-based XM radio for $8.99/mo: Orbitcast MySpace moves to protect copyright holders: TechCrunch Xbox 360 upgrade enables 1080p: Microsoft Wireless HD video streaming consortium formed: eHomeUpgrade NHL interactive web-based TV app launched: ITVT

TiVo Makes New Friends, Expands Advertising Partnerships


While TiVo, Inc. has been dinged in the past for both non-existent and poor advertising initiatives, it looks like they’re busy making up for lost time in forging new partnerships. A few months ago, TiVo worked out an interesting cross-promotional deal with Blockbuster and recently TiVo has cozied up to various groups in promoting KidZone. During prime time television, Target ran a commercial prominently featuring TiVo with KidZone and web tie-in. Next up, my buddy forwarded an email he received from Sports Illustrated pushing TiVo and the Guru Guides feature. Last but not least, TiVo has just posted job opening for Creative Services Project Manager with the following responsibilities:

  • Manages production of retail projects: Brochures, signage, packaging and all retail POP and sales collateral.
  • Oversees branding on tivo.com and works with web team on projects that require visual design
  • Manages design and production of online advertising and email communications

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Xbox 360: Video-On-Demand Trojan Horse

I’ve been theorizing for awhile that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 (and the forthcoming Sony Playstation 3) isn’t really about teens and video games. Obviously gaming is a core feature and responsible for getting these systems into many homes, despite the steep $400 price of admission. But that’s just a trojan horse — the real money and … Read more

TiVo Opens Software Beta

TiVo, Inc is expanding their pool of beta testers for the upcoming fall software release. Series2 owners can drop their service number in a hat and hope for inclusion. While this is an open call, the information about the beta cannot be discussed publicly. So, I better get the speculation and reporting out of my … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Google monetizes video sharing: TechCrunch Cablevision Network DVR hearings begin: Digital Animators Another day, another media extender — this one in DivX HD: Gizmodo T-Mobile to test DVB-H video broadcasts: Phone Scoop

XM Successfully Launches New Satellite

After a brief delay, Sea Launch successfully sent XM-4 into orbit yesterday as pictured above. There’s all sorts of technical details to peruse, such the satellite’s 15 year lifespan and 18 kilowatts of power, but my bottom line is: rocket launches are cool. Sea Launch successfully completed the XM-4 Mission on October 30, 2006. A … Read more