TiVo Plans $50 Android TV Stick For 2020

TiVo’s new CEO seems to be on something of a press tour, having first revealed TiVo+ to Bloomberg, followed up with a CNN hardware bombshell in an effort recapture consumer interest and marketshare: Early next year, the company will release a dongle that costs about $50. For now, the device is built to run on … Read more

TiVo Sullies DVR Recordings with Video Ads

As I mentioned a mere 72 hours ago, TiVo’s been trialing additional advertising as part of a broader push to further monetize their platform. And now, andfy of the TiVo Community, has become an inadvertent beta tester of sluggish, lower res pre-roll video ads… that precede his DVR recordings. It looks (and feels) atrocious. See … Read more

TiVo+ Video Streaming Launches Next Month

Looks like the new TiVo Edge line won’t be the only big announcement this fall given Bloomberg’s interview with new CEO Dave Shull: Later this month, TiVo plans to announce new international customers, and in October it will unveil a new product, TiVo Plus, that better integrates new streaming services with the company’s core TV … Read more

The TiVo Edge Is Hiding In Plain Sight

By way of the official TiVo Twitter account, we receive confirmation from CEDIA that my TiVo Edge product packaging is legit and it seems likely the company intends a fall release of refreshed retail hardware. I, mean, the product team is standing directly in front of three Edge logos. Yeah, the words may be partially … Read more

This Is The TiVo Edge

Given leaks dating back to June, we know Arris is producing a new TiVo Edge DVR. Three actually: a cable variant and two OTA cord cutter models, of divergent tuner counts and hard drive capacities. And, now, CableCARD hardware details have come my way. The “TiVo Edge for Cable” design aesthetic is more Playstation than … Read more

Exclusive: SimpliSafe Smart Lock

Well will ya look at that. SimpliSafe continues to round out their fine DIY security system with a smart lock, that I’ll go ahead assume is slated for a fall release. Heck, it’s probably also a sure bet that it’d smartly integrate with the alarm and entirely remove the possibility of a doorway contact sensor … Read more

This Is The Sonos Portable Speaker

While Sonos may have a two day press event planned to intro new products later this month, the Internet has a differing timeline. And, yesterday, two of several devices we believe Sonos is working on passed through the FCC. One may be a refreshed Sonos Connect, although I’d been hoping for a smaller subwoofer, the other … Read more

Upcoming Ecobee Camera Doubles As Echo Dot With Native Alexa

As the upcoming ecobee smart camera inches closer to a presumed fall launch, additional details and our old friend the blurry cam pic have emerged. I’m told the new camera is but one element of whole home monitoring. Indeed, we know a door/window contact sensor is in the pipeline. But will we see a full-on … Read more