TiVo Mini Wireless Adapter Arrives

The TiVo Mini Wireless Adapter has arrived, having just popped up on Amazon for $59.99 with delivery available as soon as 11/26. The wireless adapter was originally announced at CES in January and, as I said back then, “Unlike my most recent 802.11n bridge suggestion, the upcoming TiVo USB dongle implements the more current, capable … Read more

Cancelled TiVo Mavrik Appears on ebay

Over on Earth 2, cord cutters are loving the wireless, dual-tuner TiVo Mavrik. Yeah, like most TiVo products, it needed work at launch (channel changing was so slow back in 2017), but it’s finally become a viable Tablo competitor and then some. The “headless” network tuner with cloud DVR service pipes live OTA and recordings … Read more

TiVo, “Plus” A Whole Lotta Meh

TiVo+ has arrived. Boy is it underwhelming. Merely being available on a TiVo box for “free” isn’t innately compelling if the content isn’t interesting or usefully presented. And that’d be a double no at present. Given the number of places TiVo+ is advertised within the UI (home screen x2, guide, apps), it’s absurd how little … Read more

If not TiVo, then who? [Cord Cutter Edition]

As TiVo degrades their consumer DVR experience, and generally hasn’t morphed into the digital lifestyle company some had hoped for, folks are seeking out alternatives. And, for cord cutters, there are several great options to enjoy and manage that free antenna television… with or without an actual antenna. First, most of the streaming aggregators (YouTube … Read more

How To Opt-Out Of TiVo Pre-Roll Ads

TiVo pre-roll advertising has arrived. And the experience is less than ideal. Basically, all retail hardware running the TiVo Experience 4 (TE4 aka Hydra) will insert video commercial interruption at the start of your DVR recordings by the end of the year. Sure, the ads are skippable. But that’s not the point. Especially given its … Read more

Roku Implements Interactive TiVo-esque Advertising

By way of CordCuttersNews, we learn that Roku is now selling interactive advertising widgets against television commercials displayed on Roku televisions (shown above). What makes this somewhat different from TiVo’s historic approach (shown below), and unsettling to some, is that our Roku smart televisions are watching what’s on our screen (since at least 2017) vs … Read more

TiVo Lights It Up With New Lux Remote

Buried within the TiVo Edge release notes is reference to a new “Lux” remote control. So, as I’m wont to do, I tracked it down. The TiVo Lux is essentially the same TiVo Bolt/Mini Vox voice remote. But, now enhanced with full backlighting — as you’d expect from a premium product. This isn’t the first … Read more

Magic Kingdom Fans Pitched Disney+ Discount

As my Twitter followers well know, I’m something of a Disney fan. And, while I got in on the amazing Disney+ D23 fan club pricing, the company is now marketing park regulars and/or Annual Pass holders with mailers… that include single use Disney+ “Founders Circle” discount codes: $20 off 2-year subscriptions for $120 and $40 … Read more