TiVo v EchoStar: Boredom in the Courtroom

No disrespect to the court, the judges, the attorneys, or anyone else… but, man, was that boring.

Essentially, ~80 of us gathered in the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for a little over an hour while EchoStar and TiVo provided oral argument in Echo’s appeal of TiVo’s lower court jury win in this ongoing DVR patent dispute. Echo’s position is that there were “claim construction issues” in regards to how three patent elements (2 hardware, 1 software) were presented. A whole lot of discussion (judges and lawyers from both sides) focused on the meaning and implication of the words separate (how, when, and physical versus logcial), source object/collection (in regards to software components), and an (is it both singular and plural).

The three judges posed some interesting questions during the proceedings: Why is the jury’s decision invalid? If the appeals court invalidates some of the claims but not all, do monetary awards and injunction terms change? (TiVo says no, Echo says yes.)

I have no inkling of what the outcome will be… and I suspect the case will be largely decided on the contents of the humongous documents (blue book from Echo, red book from TiVo) rather than these oral arguments, which seemed more about clarification.

So what happens next? Apparently, verdicts are put onto the web when they’re ready with no advance notice – Sadly, there won’t be any courtroom theatrics of thrown DVRs. (I’d come back for that!) Sounds like if the lower court’s ruling is simply affirmed, we should hear something in the next week or so. Otherwise, it could be a few months while the judges mull things over and render their decision.

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Want The TiVo Software Update?

TiVo has just opened a v9.1 software update priority page, so drop off your TiVo Service Number (TSN) if you want in. However, those of you with Series2 units should keep in mind: For Multi-Room Viewing to work in software version 9.1, your other DVRs must also be running software version 9.1. Please sign up … Read more

The TiVo v. EchoStar Update

TiVo and EchoStar head into the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit this Thursday to continue arguing their ongoing patent dispute. The docket is pretty tight, so the hearing should be a brief affair. An unexpected benefit in attending the pre-DigitalLife event last week was spotting Kunal Madhukar’s badge (and the person attached). … Read more

TiVo Rolls Out Fall Software Update


Over on TiVo Lovers, I caught news that TiVo has begun rolling out their Fall 2007 software update (9.1). Other than the advanced Boolean Wishlist searches, most of the visible enhancements appear to be pretty minor. Guess TiVoToGo, Multi-Room Viewing, and eSATA storage support for Series3/HD will be part of the “Winter” update? November’s quickly approaching…

Since I’m on the road, I hadn’t spent any time looking at TiVo system messages – but I did check last night. And as you can see from the pics, our bedroom Series2 received the 9.1 update.

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NBC Direct Will Never Replace My TiVo

NBC has announced that they are introducing a program that will let you automatically download some of their shows to your PC. With the announcement came the latest round of TiVo doom and gloom articles, that assert that this technology will some how be able to replace a DVR. While I like that NBC is being innovative and are offering more choices to consumers, I am also skeptical about the long term prospects for this one.

I suspect that NBC is hoping to build a strong subscription base for the shows, so that they can then try and pitch companies on paying for ads by the download. There may be some advertisers that will be foolish enough to accept these arrangements, but over the long run, the advertisers will figure out why it’s doomed for failure.

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I Saw Bionic Woman (and I’m not impressed)

In case you haven’t heard, Amazon Unbox is offering free downloads of various NBC fall premieres. Being a TiVo owner, I opted to watch Bionic Woman on television (versus PC or portable) and as the title indicates, I wasn’t overjoyed. Perhaps a two hour premiere or two-parter would have served the plot better – things … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: TiVo Edition

Never enough time… TiVo Now Available in Mexico City (Press Release): CNN Money No Ad Skipping For Australian TiVo: TiVo Blog How TiVo Can Its Groove Back: NewTeeVee Play video games on your TiVo: TV Squad $200 Series3 TiVo Rebate: TiVo Lovers Ramsay’s consulting gig for $144 an hour: Mercury News