Netgear ReadyNAS 102 Review


Netgear ReadyNAS is a line of network attached storage devices that allows you to centralize all your content into one place. The main benefit being that you can then access your content from one place. The Netgear ReadyNAS 102, released about a year ago, incorporates a new modern UI for web management, a marketplace for apps that can be installed, and additional backup tools for your computers and mobile devices. Overall, the ReadyNAS is a fairly intuitive system that should fit basic storage needs while providing additional features with app support (and is a distant descendant of the highly acclaimed Infrant NAS line).

The ReadyNAS 102 is the base model for the home ReadyNAS series. It provides 2 bays for hard drives and the ability to swap drives if your storage needs should grow. The 100 series is meant for home use with multiple users accessing the device. Along with the 100 series, Netgear also has a step up in performance with their 300 series, but those devices are geared towards business office crowd. You can view the different model’s on Netgear’s site here.

You can purchase the 102 with or without hard drives depending on how much you want to spend, and whether or not you have extra drives sitting around. The base 102 model starts out at $199 (diskless) and goes up depending on storage amount. Other options for the ReadyNAS 100 series included a 4 bay option.  Our loaner review unit arrived with two preinstalled 1TB drives in RAID 1 mode, meaning that the data was mirrored on both drives and the over storage space was 1TB.  You have the option to put the device in RAID 0 which would provide double the storage at the loss of drive mirroring.

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CableCARD: TiVo Fights The Good Fight

TiVo visited with the FCC last week, lamenting the current state of CableCARD and Section 629. And, to reiterate their points, submitted the above letter. While we can’t speak to TiVo’s survey methodology, they report diminished CableCARD support with increased operator-implemented roadblocks – presumably intended to discourage third party set-top usage… such as TiVo and perhaps Samsung, should they stick with it. Some cited examples:

  • 36 percent of MSO agents surveyed in Dec. 2013 said that self-installation of CableCARDs was not allowed, up from 25 percent in Feb. 2013. (Note that self-installation of CableCARDs is required by 47 C.F.R. § 76.1205(b)(1).)
  • For those retail customers that self-install their CableCARDs, 24 percent would be charged a fee for self-installation, with fees increasing since EchoStar, including a fee as high as $39.95 imposed by two operators.
  • 36 percent of MSO agents surveyed in Dec. 2013 offer their own operator’s DVR on an unsolicited basis to customers requesting CableCARDs for retail devices,up from 26 percent in Feb. 2013

Beyond CableCARD, TiVo wants any successor “to assure the availability of bidirectional video signals to retail devices” put into play…

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TiVo Spring Update Nearly Ready To Roll


Via TiVo VP Margret Schmidt, we learn TiVo is poised to deploy a “Spring Update” to Roamio, Premiere, and Mini hardware – possibly beginning “late next week.” The DVR maker is once again going with a staggered release and if you’d like to be first, register your boxes here. And, for the first time in eons, I gots nothing on this one – your guess is as good as mine. I’m hopeful we’ll collectively be in for a fun surprise rather than this merely being a minor maintenance release not worthy of mention via my traditional channels. As previously discussed, a highly reliable source has indicated an improved Amazon Instant experience is in the works but it’s looking like June is the current target for Android streaming support. What are you hoping for?

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What Cable Operators Pay For TiVo

In a rare peek behind the curtain, Evolution Digital has itemized their TiVo MSO pricing in conjunction with an April 1st increase in fees. As a reseller, Evolution is sure to split this revenue with TiVo, but this provides investors an unprecedented look into ARPU and potential licensees the high water mark for ongoing service and back … Read more

TiVo Lands Nick Jr. App (in the UK)

By way of The Drum, we learn that Virgin TiVo set-tops have just published My Nick Jr – a customizable app of pre-school edutainment: My Nick Jr. features 650 Nick Jr. episodes including episodes of beloved Nick Jr. titles such as Dora the Explorer, Bubble Guppies, Tickety Toc and Dinosaur Train. Using the app, parents can create an individual My … Read more

Xfinity On Demand Coming To All Modern Comcast TiVos


There wasn’t a whole lot of interesting news out of TiVo’s quarterly call for retail customers. Despite the holiday shopping season, bolstered by multimillion dollar radio and airport advertising campaigns in select markets, TiVo only managed to net 6,000 additional retail subscribers — keeping the count at 2004 levels. Having said that, TiVo CEO Tom Rogers indicates the company “saw gross additions increase at a meaningfully higher rate” in areas where they did advertise along with “continued outperformance of Comcast markets from a retail point of view” … perhaps due to Xfinity On Demand availability in numerous regions. Indeed, after a several month hiatus Comcast and TiVo resumed their roll out in December and have now declared:

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DISH Wireless Joey Passes Thru FCC

The DISH Network Wireless Joey, unveiled at CES, is one step closer to release having just passed thru the FCC. The Echostar-produced Hopper extender hums with 802.11/a/n/ac to handle those high def streams of live and recorded content, without requiring a coaxial connection. Those with 802.11g networks need not apply. Via the filing, we also … Read more

Virgin Media Moves 2 Million TiVos

While TiVo’s US retail operation hasn’t fared so well in recent years, Virgin Media has seen great success from the TiVo platform in the UK… having just crossed the 2 million customer mark after about three years of availability. Virgin’s experience is largely TiVo as we know it, yet the 3-tuner hardware is foreign to … Read more