Tom Rogers, TiVo CEO

I have no doubt we are building a very, very, strong strategic asset and to the extent the best interest of shareholders are served by providing an exit through acquisition from a strategic player who sees the fundamental uniqueness of what we’ve created, obviously that will get all the consideration it deserves.

TiVo App Now Plays YouTube & Facebook Video (TV or Phone)

TiVo continues to execute on their multiscreen strategy, having just cranked out a significant update to their iOS app. In addition to the requisite iPhone and iPad bug fixes, the revised app features: New design for iOS7 New Facebook feed in “What To Watch” New YouTube video feeds in “What To Watch” By linking both my YouTube and … Read more

RCN Now Leasing TiVo Roamio as "T6" … for $45/Mo

RCN has hopped onto the TiVo Roamio bandwagon and is now the leasing 6-tuner DVR under less Shakespearean “T6” branding … for a whopping $45 a month. Given existing Premiere Elite “Q” $30 pricing, in light of the additional two tuners, increased recording capacity, and built-in iOS streaming, we suppose RCN had to go there. But … Read more

TiVo Relaunches Internet Affiliate Program

After a several year hiatus, TiVo is once again offering Internet entrepreneurs bounties for hardware and service sales… which may or may not be related to their newly appointed CMO. Whereas TiVo previously ran with the pricey Commission Junction, and featured something like $60 commissions, the new program is hosted by Share-A-Sale and storms out of the gate with pretty … Read more

TiVo Preps Customizable 3-Column View


With TiVo’s minor spring update behind us, the company has turned its attention to perhaps the most dramatic interface update since the launch of their original HDUI in 2010. It appears the primary objectives are improved UI consistency and completeness, along with additional discovery and organizational options. As RCN’s Jason Nealis alluded to just a few days ago, TiVo “plans to have the UI better present content from across these different sources in much more of a one stop shop” and a bit earlier had mentioned “some very cool enhancements coming down the pipe.”

Indeed, TiVo’s summer update is slated to bring the sharper Roamio interface to Premiere and Mini hardware, as TiVo VP Margret Schmidt had suggested several months back. Further, we see minor UI tweaks throughout. Yet,

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TiVo Gifts Slide Pro Remotes. Amazon Instant Update Nearly Here?

TiVo’s minor spring software update was plagued by a few issues, including an inadvertent software rollback affecting ~200 DVRs and potentially resulting in some tedious cleanup. Well, kudos to TiVo for voluntarily squaring things with those subscribers. Due to an operational issue, some TiVo boxes were inadvertently sent an old version of software which may have … Read more

TiVo Expands CableCARD-less Set-Top Offerings

By way of CableFAX and TiVo VP Tom Elan, we learn TiVo is once again expanding their cable operator offerings: The other one that’s cool is a hybrid set-top box. It’s essentially combining broadband with DTA technology. By adding broadband you get all of the economic advantages of DTA and the simplicity… but then all … Read more