Digital Media Bytes: TiVo Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… TiVo Series3 Lifetime transfer (for $199) extended: TiVo Lovers Mac TiVo Decode Manager 2.0 released: David Benesch TiVo finances need a tweak: The Street DirecTV TiVo recording issues: DVR Playground New TiVo rebates good through 2/17: PVRWire

Why is selling Slingboxes?

Today’s mystery: Why is selling Slingboxes? Interesting… I checked in with both TiVo, Inc and Sling Media yesterday. When asked about the relationship between the two companies, TiVo responded with “nothing formal.” My Sling contact is doing some research and will get back to me. If it is indeed nothing formal, what’s the goal … Read more

TiVo OS Build For OCAP?

According to a letter the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) submitted to the FCC, TiVo is working on an Open Cable Application Platform (OCAP) port. Long term, this seems like an inevitable software engineering initiative if TiVo plans to continue working with the likes of Comcast and Cox. Multiple guides, multiple VOD applications, switched … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Pay for TiVo Series3 or settle for cable company DVR: Mossberg, WSJ XBox up on downloads: Variety HD-DVD AACS probably not cracked: Chris Lanier Hands on with the Venice Project: GigaOm Transfer DirecTV TiVo Lifetime service to Series3 (for $200): Weaknees

TiVo By The Numbers: Reloaded

Financial analysis isn’t something I’m prepared to tackle publicly, so I’ve brought in some muscle for a multi-part series on TiVo’s numbers. Obviously this is speculative in nature and just one stockholder’s interpretation of the limited information TiVo chooses to disclose. Your mileage may vary. -DZ


One of the problems one encounters when doing research, or “digging into the numbers” is that one can always dig deeper. In digging into the later parts of this TiVo story, we discovered that we could derive much more accurate and robust figures (particularly for churn and revenue from subscriptions and advertising) than we had initially. While our general conclusions are the same, the new numbers are so much of an improvement in terms of both accuracy and reliability that we felt compelled to revise them. What follows are revised numbers, some greater detail as to the way we derived them, and some clarification (we hope) of some of the ideas presented in the earlier version. Of particular interest are Appendices A and B, which are all-new, and discuss the way we derive the important churn and revenue numbers. We have also added a new asset class to TiVo’s valuation that we did not consider before. Finally, we have dropped the discussion of ROI and MIRR as they lengthened the article and did not provide much additional insight over the “gold standard” of NPV.

As before, we try at all opportunities to make conservative assumptions. We realize that our assumptions are conservative almost to the point of pessimism, and we have been accused of just that. But TiVo is a company that lives under a great shadow of Wall Street pessimism, so any show of optimism may be seen as a lack of credibility. We leave it to the reader to decide by what factor our estimates need to be adjusted for our excesses of pessimism.


TiVo is an enigmatic company. While management peppers us with regular press releases hyping their latest deal or newest technology, it rarely provides the kind of information we need to put a value on anything – be it a new advertising relationship, distribution deal, or their own financial statements. In this article we will engage in a bit of 8-K and10-Q exegesis in an effort to understand what is really going on at TiVo.

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TiVo Guru Guides Hit The Box


While Guru Guides have been available for some time, registration has been handled solely via TiVo’s web site. With this week’s update, TiVo subscribers can now opt-in to a variety of Guru Guides direct through the TiVo interface.

Guru Guides refresher:

TiVo Guru Guides are lists of television programs hand-selected by experts like Vogue and Sports Illustrated to help you discover and automatically record the best TV programming in various categories like cooking, sports, fashion, home & garden, and more. You can record all shows in a Guru Guides list or choose just the shows that interest you most. Guru Guides generally deliver 3-10 hours of programming every week and are updated regularly, as new shows air, so you’re always sure to be watching the freshest, hottest, most interesting programs on TV!

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Blogosphere Smackdown: DVR or DVD?

Let’s face it, there are only so many hours in the day you can actually watch TV. I consider myself a huge TV nut and certainly do my best to boost up the national average, but even with my voracious appetite for film, I still can’t keep up with everything that is being produced right now, let alone all the good films that have been made in the past.

Add to this distractions from the internet, real life, my poker habit, and this little thing called work that I’ve actually got to do once in a while, and it’s clear that something has to give. Because we’re limited by time, consumers are forced to choose between not just what we watch, but how we watch it as well.

In a great post highlighting the smackdown between DVDs and DVRs in competing for our attention, The One Eyed Man Rules, covers the various reasons behind why the DVR has replaced the DVD in his life. Among the advantages are the problems that come up when his kids use DVDs as frisbees, the speed at which it takes for you to boot up a DVD compared to the ease of hitting a button on a DVR and having your programming right there, and being forced to watch a bunch of crappy Disney ads vs. being able to fast forward past ads on a DVR.

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Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Philips cranks out Windows Vista Media Center remotes: Chris Lanier BBC to offer free show downloads for the US: BBC Hands on with Akimbo’s new RCA box: GigaOM Walmart bundles adult content with Zune: Fox Chicago Arrington dumps Netflix for Blockbuster: TechCrunch Purchase a TiVo Series3 for as low … Read more