Apparently the talk of CTIA was the Apple iPhone (MIA), though I seem to have missed it. In my circles, HTC’s new offerings (both big and small) and Helio’s Ocean generated the most discussion (and lust).
Some pics from the show…
Several people have gotten in touch regarding yesterday’s CNET blog post: Apple TV does not stream over the Internet or across a cellular phone network, but the SlingBox does. And Sling Media, the maker of the SlingBox, confirmed to CNET News.com on Monday that the company is working on making the Slingbox compatible with Apple … Read more
Apparently the talk of CTIA was the Apple iPhone (MIA), though I seem to have missed it. In my circles, HTC’s new offerings (both big and small) and Helio’s Ocean generated the most discussion (and lust).
Some pics from the show…
I may have mentioned I’m down in Florida for CTIA… but I may have failed to disclose I am stationed in Palm’s booth. Showing off the new SlingPlayer Mobile for Palm OS! (In addition to our existing Windows Mobile client and a Slingbox or two.) Just a few hours ago we unleashed the Palm OS … Read more
NBC, via MobiTV, intends to offer cell phone television show rentals. Deployment is scheduled for Q2, though Forbes reports no wireless carriers have signed on. I’m obviously not the only one who thinks the model is flawed and the pricing is extreme: For one thing, the shows seem expensive, going for a minimum of $1.99 … Read more
My copy of Vista finally arrived. Not as late as mid-April, but still later than I would have liked. The HP “Express Upgrade” kit came with two discs: an HP prep/config CD and the Vista DVD.
Prior to upgrading last night, HP had me disconnect a variety of peripherals (I declined), update my BIOS (was already current), and then their CD removed incompatible software that had been preloaded with my machine (most of which I had already blown away). The actual Vista upgrade took several hours, followed by running that HP CD again… to reinstall Vista-compatible software I don’t need (blown away a second time). I did have some trouble finding a NVIDIA driver that supported my LCD’s native resolution (1400×900) — Neither the default Vista driver nor HP’s driver update would go that high, but a direct NVIDIA download took care of it.
AT&T Homezone customers will able to…
use their mobile handsets to remotely view listings and schedule or delete recordings from their DVR set-top boxes. All that is needed is a WAP 2.0-enabled handset that lets subscribers access the AT&T-Yahoo portal.
As soon as I read that, my immediate thought was: Where’s the TiVo Verizon Java scheduling widget? Well, PVRWire reports something may be announced shortly:
Next week Verizon and Vodafone will launch a service allowing customers to program TiVo units by phone. Sprint plans to enter the remote recording market later this year.
Apple and Sony aren’t the only ones with media extenders launching in the $200 – $300 range later this year. My employer (Sling Media) will release the SlingCatcher in the second half of 2007. Our initial features will be the ability receive a Slingbox video feed on a television (without any sort of computer in … Read more
Let’s just say it’s been a crazy few weeks… As the title says, I’ve joined Sling Media! Obviously, I’ve been a fan for a while and Sling’s CES announcements convinced me these guys are really out there pushing the envelope in the digital media space. So, I’m extremely excited and flattered to be able to work with this group.
I’ll have a variety of roles here at Sling — the two most visible ones will be my presence on the Sling Community Forum and as the point man for writers/editors in the blogosphere. The communication will be two-way: not only will I be conveying company information, I’ll also be taking everything in to keep the executive team and various internal groups informed. As a blogger, I’m also hopeful you’ll see me heading up something, somewhere, at some point.