Mac TiVoToGo Is Here… By Roxio?!


Mac TiVoToGo is finally here, and it’s not at all what we expected. Mac TiVoToGo does not require the TiVo Desktop and has been entirely built into Roxio Toast 8 Titanium as a collaboration between TiVo and Sonic. Product Directors Amir Gharaat (TiVo) and Adam Fingerman (Roxio) got me up to speed last week during a conference call.

As we know, Mac TiVoToGo is looooong overdue so my first question was: “What happened?” If you recall, we saw an alpha version at CES last year which looks nothing like what they’ve just devliered. As I suspected, the main sticking point was TiVo’s inability to keep the media locked down (as they do using Microsoft DirectShow on Windows). After spinning their wheels with “content security issues” for awhile, they turned to partner Sonic for technical assistance last spring… and here we are!

Mac TiVoToGo (via Toast) is composed for four distinct functions: TiVo Transfer, Video Playback, DVD Burning, and Portable Conversions.

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Mac Slingplayer Beta Time Bomb

If your Mac Slingplayer stopped working yesterday, go download a new copy which contains an extended expiration date. If you run into any issues after updating, blow away your prefs. In other Mac Slingplayer news, Beta Manager Sharon Rylander tells me GUI enhancements are in the works by some new hires, and an updated public … Read more

Mac & TiVo Fanboys Share Some Kool-Aid

PVRBlog: Here’s the rumor: Apple will be licensing TiVo patented technology for iTV. Last summer TiVo was hiring Mac programmers, but I figured that was just for TiVo Desktop support. People won’t pay a couple hundred bucks just to have a device that plays iTunes Store purchases on their TV — it has to do … Read more

TiVoToGo On Your Mac

Want TiVoToGo on your Mac? Nearly two years after being released, TiVo, Inc may have failed to deliver but the hacker community has heeded our call. As of 12/05/06 the solution requires a little elbow grease and some command line action, but the difficulty level is reasonable until a polished app arrives in the near … Read more

TiVoToGo Reverse Engineered

I haven’t been following the Wiki lately, but it looks like TiVoToGo encryption has been cracked and a barebones (as in command line) conversion app is out. What does this mean? You don’t need TiVo Desktop software or a PC (!) to decrypt and playback TiVo shows. Had TiVo released Mac (and Linux) decryption and … Read more

Mac Slingplayer Needs GUI Refresh?

There’s been a decent amount of discussion regarding the (beta) Mac Slingplayer’s non-standard OS X interface. For example, MacWorld writes: The Mac SlingPlayer software works essentially like its Windows counterpart, and that’s good as well as bad. The first public beta of the Mac software, released Tuesday, makes no attempt to hide its Windows origins. … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Beatles and Apple near exclusive iTunes deal: Fortune EchoStar retrial on TiVo patents denied: Denver Post Will paying for user video pay off: GigaOm Xbox movie downloads timed: Gizmodo Control BeyondTV with Slingbox: Fresh Arrival TiVo Glo Remote available for 8,500 Reward Points: TiVo

Snickers? M&Ms? iPods?

I walked into Macy’s yesterday, and what did I stumble upon? Men’s suits on my left, and hey! It’s an iPod vending machine on my right! In truth I didn’t see the iPods until I was leaving the store, though I can’t imagine how I managed to miss them the first time around. Unfortunately I … Read more