Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our other blogs: Broadband Issues for President Obama The historic swearing-in of President Barak Obama has taken place, and now it’s time for the real work to begin. Alongside war and a tumbling economy, several broadband issues face President Obama in both the short and long term. There’s … Read more

ZNF ‘Round The Web

Leaving comments across the blogosphere… How Blu-Ray Can Avoid Failure The thing is Blu-ray players are backwards compatible with DVD. If they market that better, folks may move their existing DVD player into the bedroom and get Blu-ray for the living room. Without having to immediately, or ever, replace their DVD collection. Making it a … Read more

iPhone Shortcomings?

The Boy Genius is out with his top ten iPhone annoyances. While several can be filed as minutiae that won’t bother most folks to any great extent, I’ve yet to meet the perfect handset. The iPhone is no different, possessing a variety of quirks and limitations. But, before I get to my list of shortcomings, … Read more

EyeTV Embraces TV Guide, Adds Season Passes

The EyeTV 3.1 software update, released Monday afternoon to existing customers, brings a number of changes to their Mac OS X television viewing and recording software. First up is the (somewhat optional) replacement of TitanTV with TV Guide as the US EPG source. I see this as a positive move – more comprehensive listings, more … Read more

Slacker Radio Arrives on Blackberry & iPhone

Internet radio service Slacker has made good on their promise to deliver a Blackberry client. What I didn’t know, prior to the show, is that a free iPhone client was also in the works.

SlingCatcher Updates On The Way

The early SlingCatcher reviews were decidedly mixed. But, after speaking with project manager Matthew Feinstein last night, I’ve got decent news for owners and potential customers: Both Slingbox PRO HD high definition and networked drive streaming are on tap for Q1. Slingbox PRO HD resolutions will bumped up from 640×480 to 1280×540… with the ultimate … Read more

The Macworld Keynote Snooze Fest

Apparently my expectations weren’t low enough, and Apple’s final Macworld keynote featured very little in the way of compelling new tech. Which pretty much emphasizes why Apple doesn’t need to headline, if conversation remains product-focused. And pre-announcing products is bad for business – tech should be delivered when ready. Not on arbitrary show dates. So … Read more

Roxio Updates Toast With Mac2TiVo

Nearly two years to the day that Roxio (finally) brought TiVoToGo video transfers to Mac owners, they’ve announced an updated Toast bundle that facilitates shipping video files to a TiVo. Whereas TiVoToGo enables one to download TiVo recordings to a computer, this new feature provides Mac users with a means of transmitting video from computer … Read more