Want to turn your Mac mini into a PC DVR using BeyondTV? All you need is Boot Camp, Windows, and an external tuner. Why? Because we can! Not to mention this is tons cheaper than EyeTV. If you’re pining away for HD tuning on that Mac mini, you’ll also need an external drive to keep up. Of course the next step is seeing if the SnapStream folks can get this to work within Parallel’s virtualization software…
Dave Zatz
Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered
Never enough time… One man’s experience with the MPEG-4 decoding Dish ViP622 HD DVR. (Extreme Tech) MSOs urged to quickly enter portable media market. (Cable Digital News) Wired publishes a static guide of online video services. (Wired) Yahoo unveils tech news and reviews site. (Yahoo) Davis Freeberg breaks down Netflix v. Blockbuster and beats down … Read more
ABC’s Free Television Experiment Begins
Today’s the day… ABC launched their two month trial (5/1 – 6/30) offering free web rebroadcasts of current, prime time television series. Unlike most streaming content, you do not need Windows as ABC is broadcasting via cross-platform Flash. Of course free is just another word for advertising, but it competes well with $1.99 iTunes downloads. Assuming all goes well, ABC is planning on tweaking the model and relaunching with the fall television season.
Check it out here!
Do I need to watch all of the advertisements?
The advertisements are placed at various points during the show. You cannot advance the show beyond that point until you have watched the ad for at least 30 seconds. You may see a maximum of four advertisements per show.
Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered
Never enough time… ReplayTV settles patent dispute, licenses audio technology. (Press Release) Consumer Electronics Association calls on industry to educate consumers. (CEA) Media center software SageTV adds place-shifting. (SageTV) Well-designed customer experiences are good for business; TiVo is one example. (Business Week) Blu-ray prototype stores 200 GB. (jkOnTheRun) VDC mobile television service reviewed. (Brighthand)
Sony LocationFree TV Coming To Macs and Mobiles
Looks like Sling will be getting some more competition… Sony plans to expand it’s LocationFree TV streaming to include Macs and Windows Mobile devices. Extreme Tech says: Sony Corp. said Tuesday that it licensed its Location-Free technology to Kaga Electronics, which will port the technology to the Mac OS X platform. “Location Free” allows content … Read more
Altec Lansing XM Speaker Cradle Released
Altec Lansing just informed me that they’ve released the XM3120 speaker system, supporting both the RoadyXT and Xpress receivers. Retail price is about $100. It looks pretty cute, and devices like these push me to upgrade my Roady2 (which I connect to computer speakers at work via the home kit). It’s somewhat ironic that to … Read more
SlingPlayer Mobile Released, For Real
The SlingPlayer Mobile for portable Windows devices, which has been in public beta for a month, is officially released today. If you were savvy enough to buy and register a Slingbox by 4/26, the software is free… otherwise it’s going to cost you $29.99. It looks like they’re still working out the kinks on non-touchscreen … Read more