Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Time Warner Cable, Raleigh refuses to provide CableCARD for TiVo? (TiVo Blog) Amazon to launch movie download service next month? (Hacking Netflix) TiVo takes on Nielsen in providing granular advertising info. (TiVo Lovers) Motorola acquires video-on-demand company Broadbus Technologies. (Boston Globe) AM radio is still kicking. (LA Times)

TiVo Hosts Sprite’s “subLYMONal” Advertising

Press Release: TiVo Showcases Increase Consumer Interaction and Help Advertisers Reach Fast- Forwarding Viewers

Sprite, America’s #1 lemon-lime soft drink and TiVo Inc. (Nasdaq: TIVO), the creator of and a leader in advertising solutions and television services for digital video recorders (DVRs), today announced a partnership that will feature a cutting-edge interactive advertisement on a TiVo Showcase. Beginning July 24th and running for two weeks, the Showcase will feature a part of Sprite’s “subLYMONal” campaign. This is Sprite’s first interactive advertising run on the TiVo platform.

The TiVo Showcase allows brand marketers to better engage consumers in a deeper, more involved dialogue through long form entertainment content. Sprite’s “subLYMONal” ads will have a “Gold Star Sponsorship” on TiVo Central. Viewers can follow a link to a Showcase where they can view Sprite ads and then, using TiVo’s Trick Play features, find out how to use Sprite “subLYMONal Codes.” TiVo also displays “interactive tags” in Sprite’s advertising as it appears on TiVo DVRs, allowing viewers to pause television and click-through to Sprite’s TiVo Showcase to view more Sprite content, without missing even a second of the TV show they were watching.

“TiVo has the only interactive advertising solution dedicated to DVR viewing and we are excited to add Sprite to our growing list of interactive advertising partners,” said Davina Kent, Vice President, National Advertising Sales at TiVo. “Providing the only platform for DVR-ready creative, TiVo is helping advertisers overcome commercial fast-forwards with unique and exciting advertisements that allow them to further connect with their target audience through the television and increase the overall awareness of the brand.”

“SubLYMONal” advertisements will feature special codes embedded in the content and only revealed if viewed in slow motion that can be entered at the brand’s new website, The site allows people to interact with the advertising and provides different ways for consumers to create their own “subLYMONal” experiences.

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Stop Paying Too Much For Cables

Stop it! Seriously. It sickens me when friends and family tell me how much they’re paying for cables at retail. Best Buy, Circuit City, and even Radio Shack are sticking it to consumers with profit margins that must exceed 80%. Obviously we can’t stop buying cables, but we can be more choosy in who we … Read more

Uganda, Where TiVo Employees Go To Retire

Who am I to overlook a TiVo-related human interest story? This week’s Entrepreneur column in Business Week profiles, a peer-to-peer microlending service, co-founded by TiVo alum Matt Flannery. What the article doesn’t mention is that at least one other former TiVo employee is involved in Kiva and has relocated to Africa. HME maestro Carl … Read more

Add Channel Logos To Your Harmony 880

I trust several savvy readers cashed in on those recent Harmony 880 remote deals… So here’s a nifty feature you may not have picked up on — the on-remote television listings feature has been replaced by icons of channels you frequently access. For some this might not be such a big deal, but I find … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Multistream CableCARDs (CC 1.0+ aka M-Card) expected soon. (HD Beat) Better Business Bureau rates TiVo as “unsatisfactory.” (TV Predictions) Samsung’s Blu-ray player comes factory-misconfigured. (Engadget) NBC new season preview DVD available to Netflix subscribers. (Hacking Netflix) UPnP specs updated. (eHomeUpgrade)