Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time…

  • Time Warner Cable, Raleigh refuses to provide CableCARD for TiVo? (TiVo Blog)
  • Amazon to launch movie download service next month? (Hacking Netflix)
  • TiVo takes on Nielsen in providing granular advertising info. (TiVo Lovers)
  • Motorola acquires video-on-demand company Broadbus Technologies. (Boston Globe)
  • AM radio is still kicking. (LA Times)

6 thoughts on “Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered”

  1. If I’m not mistaken, cable companies are required by federal law to make CableCARD available. So what’s TWC/Raleigh’s excuse?

  2. The key issues for TWC might be either providing CableCARD support to a TV versus a set-top box OR being responsible for “installing” them. Unless they want to handle it in court with the FCC, I believe they need to offer the cards on request.

    However, this is just one rumored incident and who knows if the rep’s response is TWC’s official position. But what it could indicate is continued confusion in this space… reinforcing TiVo’s strategy of notifying cable companies and the FCC about their upcoming rollout (and providing an installer guide in the box).

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