GameFly’s Slimy Retention Tactics?

I’m what you’d call a casual gamer — I’ll play a game a few hours a day over a long weekend maybe once a month. I joined, a service like Netflix, in 2005 as an economical way to get a different title each month. I’ve been downsizing recently in preparation for a move and … Read more

TiVo Series3 Pricing Poll Results

As you can see in the chart below, over 80% of us feel the S3 will come in between $200 and $800. That’s a huge range, so I’ll just hope the lower end wins out. The comedians who voted for under $200 may want to review some recent info out of TiVo… Megazone transcribes: One … Read more

SlingPlayer 1.3 Out Of Beta

SlingPlayer 1.3 has been released. As with the beta software, you’ll get sexy new skins, a conflict manager, higher LAN throughput and resolution, and several other goodies. If you run Applian’s At-Large-Recorder, you’ll probably want to skip the firmware portion of the upgrade. Go get the details and the download here.

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Pay Circuit City to bypass the DMCA for you. (Davis Freeberg) HAVA place-shifting boxes now shipping. (Press Release) Hands-on with the new Archos 604 PMP. (T3) Fellow consumer charts Netflix shipping patterns. (Hacking Netflix)

TiVo Updates PC Desktop Software

TiVo has released a minor update to the current iteration of the desktop software. If you’ve experienced any of the symptoms described below, download the new copy here. TiVo says: What is the difference between Desktop Version 2.3 and Version 2.3a? Should I upgrade? Will I need to re-enter my “Plus” key? There are no … Read more

Tech Company Customer Service Rated

If the BBB can rate these guys, why not me? I’m a stickler for good service — I won’t patronize companies providing inferior service. When I had a billing problem with Sprint about 5 years ago and the phone rep called me a liar, I switched to VoiceStream (Jamie Lee Curtis had nothing to do … Read more