Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Walgreens testing RedBox DVD kiosks. (Davis Freeberg) SageTV get its groove on with SlimServer. (eHomeUpgrade) Placeshifting coming to Zune? (PVRWire) Hardware support for Microsoft IPTV expands. (EngadgetHD)

Google Buys YouTube, Advertisers Rejoice

I have no idea what $1.65 billion looks like, but YouTube‘s gonna find out with a ton of Google stock. Based on initial coverage, it appears Google Video and YouTube will maintain distinct identities… other than the inevitable AdWords wallpapering. This acquisition might be a good opportunity to clean up the clutter — let’s relocate … Read more

Showtime Offering Mobile Video

Part advertising, part entertainment, Showtime has launched a web destination specific to mobile devices. They’re offering up Showtime programming info and video clips. While the site ( seems a bit half-baked at the moment and not all phones will play .3gp files, this is worth keeping an eye on. Hey, it’s free! (Assuming you have … Read more

CableLabs Studies Multiroom Viewing, Not TiVoToGo

As I’ve mentioned previously, TiVo’s new Series3 model does not offer TiVoToGo (TTG), Multiroom Viewing (MRV), or external storage due to the CableLabs certification process. Now we seem to have received confirmation that the group is evaluating MRV functionality, though TiVo has not yet approached them about TiVoToGo. I can’t say I’m surprised — I … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Orb 2.0 public beta available. (jkOnTheRun) Dave quizzes Motorola exec on OCAP. (PVRWire) EvokeTV bites the dust. (GigaOM) Moxi picks up three DVR UI patents. (Press Release) DirecTV, HDTV, and the resolution question. (Missing Remote)