World Series: DVD On Demand

I doubt this will shake up the market much, but it’s nice to see continual distribution innovation in the market. For 20 bucks (ouch), you can order and receive a copy of any World Series game on DVD within days of broadcast. For under $20/mo you could grab all the games with a DVR. ;) … Read more

Time Warner Cable Launches Network DVR (Sort Of)

Folks in San Antonio are getting a free TWC upgrade today in the form of “Start Over,” a service that lets you restart a show in progress using an existing digital cable box. It’s not exactly a full fledged DVR, but it’s an interesting spin on the “network DVR” concept for folks who don’t get … Read more

Mari Silbey Joins ZNF

Over a several month period, I collaborated on a project with Mari — I came away impressed with her knowledge and opinions of the industry along with her ability to communicate those thoughts. She couldn’t give me a good reason why she wasn’t blogging, so I convinced her to sign on. The focus of the … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Apple planning satellite radio integration? (Orbitcast) $4k gets you a Blu-ray + HD DVD media center PC. (EngadgetHD) Slingbox Pro receives 4/5 star review. (PC Mag) YouTube faces copyright penalty of $150,000 per clip? (LA Times)

Sony’s New LocationFree Devices Delayed

For those of you thinking about picking up a new LocationFree device, you’re in for a bit of a wait. The Slingbox competitor, originally due next week, has been delayed and no new release date was announced. As long as they don’t ship with exploding batteries or a rootkit, we can wait — right? ;)

AP writes: She said more tests were needed to adapt its remote controller to more models of DVD recorders and other machines the product will connect with. When asked about risks to its reputation by delaying a product, Eto said Sony decided a delay was better if the product will be compatible with more of the latest models.

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Why Is Kevin Smith Speaking At Macworld?

Kevin Smith, Dave, and Jason Mewes San Diego Comic-Con, 1997 So Macworld events and speakers have been announced… and I’m wondering why the heck is Kevin Smith presenting? Disney did retain control of the Miramax name and film library (including Smith’s Clerks & Chasing Amy) when they split with the Weinstein brothers last year, though … Read more

Dave’s Weaknees TiVo Upgrade

While debating the future of my Series3 review unit, I went ahead and beefed up the storage on my Humax DVD-burning TiVo. I’ve previously upgraded on my own (S1 Philips) using the Hinsdale instructions, but opted for the efficiency of a Weaknees upgrade this time. The Weaknees drive came completely formatted and ready for use … Read more

Logitech Acquires Slim Devices, Dave Acquires Squeezebox

In a strange twist of fate, both Logitech and I acquired Slim Devices on the same day. Though, I assume Logitech’s acquisition will last a bit longer than the 30 days I get with the Squeezebox. Given how well Logitech has integrated the Canadian business responsible for Harmony remotes, I’m expecting good things from this … Read more