The Great Playstation3 Campout

I swung by the shopping plaza across from work this AM to shoot a video of the silly folks camping out for Playstation 3 gaming consoles, which go on sale tomorrow (retail $599 & $699) — so most are half way through their ordeal. Though the worst is yet to come… Heavy rains and wind … Read more

Pinnacle Unveils Placeshifting Device

Pinnacle Systems has announced PCTV To Go, a placeshifting device similar in functionality to the Slingbox. Monsoon Multimedia, the maker of the HAVA placeshifting unit, is an OEM for Pinnacle. Both models retail for $250. In related news, I’ve had prototypes of both the Pinnacle and HAVA box (as seen above) for a month or … Read more

TiVo System Software 8.1 Priority List Available


Have a Series2 TiVo? Sign up to be first on your block to receive the 8.1 update!

Thank you for your interest in the new TiVo Fall 2006 Service Update, featuring enhanced support for recording live events, WPA network security, and improved system performance. This update is for TiVo Series2 Digital Video Recorders only! DIRECTV DVRs with TiVo and TiVo Series1 DVRs are not eligible for this update. Have a TiVo Series3 Digital Media Recorder? This update is not yet available for these units.

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Playstation 3 & The Great Outdoors

I ran over to the Best Buy during lunch and look what I stumbled upon: A couple dozen fanboys (plus ten tents and a football) milling about until 8AM on FRIDAY when they can purchase Sony’s PlayStation 3. I also learned a few guys from work have parked themselves across the street at WalMart hoping … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Orb to pilfer YouTube videos for mobile phones: ZDNet Apple teams with airlines to deliver iPod integration: Press Release Fox begins selling movies and shows online: Broadcasting & Cable Motorola acquires Netopia to grow IPTV: Davis Freeberg CableLabs says they’ve streamlined MultiStream CableCARD process: Press Release

Hands On With TiVo’s New Broadband Features

Many of TiVo’s new broadband features were on display last night in NYC. I wasn’t able to attend (I’m out of vacation time at work) but Engadget heeded the call and snapped about two dozen pics for your viewing pleasure. Go check it out!

The Internet: Where TV Shows Go To Die

One of the first shows canceled this television season was CBS’ Smith. As one of about a dozen viewers, I was disappointed when they decided to pull the plug on the weekly heist drama after only three episodes. But I can’t say I’m surprised… The show obviously had a big budget for actors, sets, and … Read more

Breaking News: Wii Movie Playback

This just in… Nintendo has confirmed Wii DVD movie playback will be available “the latter half of 2007!” In related news, Blu-ray support is slated for 2013. In all seriousness, the Wii looks quite entertaining (as a gaming console) and I may have to pick one up.