ZNF ‘Chef TiVo’ Contest Winner

John S of South Carolina has won the TiVo apron and coasters! In exchange for the prize, John traded his great grandmother’s chocolate and caramel cakes recipes which his cousin actually prepared as a chef at Disney World. John plans to use the apron while barbecuing and invited me down to join him. Sounds good … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… HD-DVD and Blu-ray are dead on arrival: Slate Video overview of TiVo’s new broadband features: CrunchGear CBS show streaming paying dividends: Broadcasting & Cable ReplayTV PC Edition finally launches: PVRWire

Playstation 3: The eBay Experience

My buddy Alexi was camped out at the Walmart for 36 hours after which he scored a Playstation 3 bundle. At the end of the ordeal, he listed his item on ebay with a starting bid of 99 cents and a “Buy It Now” option of $2800. I bet him a week of lunches he … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Sling Media partners with UK mobile provider: Sling Community The story of CableLabs certification: Chris Lanier Digeo-Gemstar battle continues: PVRWire 1080p not “an important factor” in HDTV purchases: EngadgetHD Disney sells 5 million copies of Cars in 48 hours: AppleInsider

Playstation 3: The Saga Continues

My work buddy managed to pull it off and got his $500 PS3 (and $230 of accessories) after 36 hours of lingering outside Walmart. Actually, it’s only his PS3 for another 16 hours since it was listed on ebay with a starting price of 99 cents. We bet “lunch for a week” that he wouldn’t … Read more

XM Celebrates Eight Crazy Nights

When I read XM will be launching Radio Hanukkah in December, I nearly spit out my Manischewitz. Other than the dreidel song and Adam Sandler’s ode to Hanukah, I didn’t realize there was other music associated with the holiday. Because you’ve come to expect hard hitting journalism here at ZNF, I journeyed far and wide … Read more

ZNF: What We’re Watching

Seeing as how the new fall season is well underway (and in some cases nearly over), we thought we’d share the top programming on our DVRs. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue… Davis Survivor The Office Heroes American Dad CSI Miami Mari Studio 60 House Battlestar Galactica Veronica Mars College Basketball Dave Jericho … Read more