Mac SlingPlayer Beta Updated

Six weeks after releasing the public beta of Mac OS X SlingPlayer, Sling Media has taken the wraps off an updated client (build .128) containing numerous bug fixes, support for 10.3.9 (as shown above powering my TiVo Series3), and a slightly improved Mac look (though we still have a ways to go). The software download … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: Skype Edition

Skype Mobile 2.2 Beta supports Windows smartphones: jkOnTheRun Skype PC 3.0 released with topical public chat feature: TechCrunch US/Canadian SkypeOut fees return in 2007: Alec Saunders

Sling Media: On The Move

So where exactly is Sling headed? I know they’re moving into new offices shortly, but in the broader sense something is up over at Sling Media. We currently know them as the company that pioneered “place shifting” with the original Slingbox (and newer models) designed to broadcast your personal television feed over the Internet to … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Netflix Previews signal upcoming download service: Hacking Netflix Microsoft patents DVR targeted advertising: Engadget Delphi SkyFi3 reviewed: Orbitcast 12 days of Sling Media giveaways: Sling Community

Deal of the Day: 20GB MS PMP @ $135

Today’s Woot is a Microsoft portable media player (PMP) for under $135. True, it’s a fake brand (Enza Dream’eo? Could there be a worse name?) and the unit may die at any moment — but 20GB with a roomy 3.5″ screen at about half the price of an iPod is a decent deal… as long … Read more

The Xbox 360 Video Marketplace

Now that the Xbox 360 Video Marketplace has been live for a little over two weeks, I’d like to share a few thoughts. The Video Marketplace provides Xbox 360 owners the ability to download television show and movies — some in high definition. Keep in mind, the November 7th announcement encouraged me to get off … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Hands on with the Loop motion controlled remote : Gizmodo Orb adds mobile YouTube search: PVRWire Mods to quiet your (my) Xbox 360: Extreme Tech Portable Audiovox XM receiver discovered: Orbitcast Sony PSP GPS accessory hits the market: Engadget

Mac & TiVo Fanboys Share Some Kool-Aid

PVRBlog: Here’s the rumor: Apple will be licensing TiVo patented technology for iTV. Last summer TiVo was hiring Mac programmers, but I figured that was just for TiVo Desktop support. People won’t pay a couple hundred bucks just to have a device that plays iTunes Store purchases on their TV — it has to do … Read more