Categories: TiVo

TiVo Bolt – What We Know

We first caught wind of the TiVo Bolt via USPTOCableLabs, and FCC regulatory filings. Info gleaned from premature website publication and industry sources suggest this Series 6 lineup will ultimately replace the four-unit Roamio family with a streamlined trio of 4k-capable models – that all include mobile “Stream” capabilities for unified functionality and marketing. The Bolt line also looks to retain spinning platters for local storage, although DVR hard drive capacity and physical size remain open questions.

Given that web graphic, it’s safe to assume at least two models will feature a stunning new enclosure that will surely elicit strong opinions. Based on the render, I originally had my doubts. But, now having seen it, I quite like and would have no problem displaying the all-white (OTA/Cable) or black & white (OTA) variant on my TV stand. Beyond aesthetics, I assume that asymmetrical arch also helps with heat dissipation.

Tuner count remains uncertain. I have some reason to believe the OTA and Cable/OTA models will sport four tuners to keep costs and heat down, while a 6-tuner “big boy” box, featuring a traditional STB form, strikes me a reasonable theory for another box down the road. Although we don’t yet have evidence of a voice-capable remote control, signs indicate voice recognition could be coming to the TiVo platform … along with a modest interface refresh — but we also anticipate both of these will make their way to Roamio and possibly even Premiere.

In terms of timing, Best Buy’s shelf reset is October 11th and TiVo CEO Tom Rogers stated, “we plan to introduce a new product sometime in the third (fiscal) quarter” which ends 10/31. So hopefully we’ll have more TiVo Bolt details, including the all-important pricing, real soon.

Published by
Dave Zatz