TiVo Android Streaming Details Emerge


Two years after TiVo introduced streaming capabilities, Android owners will soon get in on the action. However, whereas iPhone and iPad owners have enjoyed both streaming and video downloads, presumably due to security issues, the Android crowd won’t be taking shows offline – according to the newly updated compatibility chart, shown above. However, they will receive cellular streaming ahead of iOS. Score? As to the ‘droids we’re looking for, TiVo hasn’t yet posted which Google-centric devices will be supported by TiVo Roamio and Stream hardware. But, given TiVo OS 20.4.4 release notes, all should be revealed towards the end of the month. (via TCF)

20 thoughts on “TiVo Android Streaming Details Emerge”

  1. Didn’t realize I could download over LTE on my iPhone — but never tried since I usually watch on my iPad which would be over wifi… interesting that streaming over LTE isn’t coming at the same time to iOS – wonder if there is a reason or just that they are putting all of their efforts into Android app, then update iOS?

  2. Cellular streaming requires a smaller potential footprint per Apple and TiVo’s initial bitrate range was more narrow and high. Not sure what the hold up there is. Wonder if this update will also do away with the proxy?

  3. You’ve gotta be kidding me…
    I have no service where I work so the one and only thing I wanted when I bought the Roamio was to take my recordings with me! Why is android still taking a backseat to iOS when android has almost twice the market share?

  4. Actually, android has significantly more than twice the market share worldwide something akin to 80/20, with numbers moving here or there depending on when and who is doing the math).

    But in the states its much closer to 55/45 (same caveats). But then you also have to factor in what percentage of those phones are budget android phones that can’t handle things like streaming.

    Just something to consider. I still think its ridiculous that it took 2 years to get android streaming, I wanted to correct the market share info though.

  5. We still don’t have it yet. Sure they plan to release it later this month but that doesn’t mean it will actually happen. They could run into an issue and push it back again. I’ll believe it when I see it.

    But I’m also surprised they don’t plan to have downloading available. Why not? I would think that is what a lot of people would like to use. WIll it ever show up or will that take two more years?

  6. I wonder how many Tivo owners have iOS devices vs. Android. Given the premium nature of Tivo, I suspect the ratio is likely to favor iOS much more than the general population. This is based somewhat on the ratio of App revenue which globally favors iOS despite so many more Andriod devices being sold.

  7. And it’s not always that cut and dry… folks with iPhones may have Android tablets (like my wife who had a Kindle Fire HDX for a time) or vice versa. Plus, some folks like me are constantly flipping. So the lack of parity remains annoying. Which is why Slingbox has remained my preferred remote solution. Although iOS TiVo downloads are better than none (as is the case with Sling).

  8. I noticed some of the other tivo anywhere images show options of streaming to laptops and other computers. Is there any word on when that might be available?

  9. @daverad – that would be awesome if computer streaming came out — could stream right to a TV without being able to be blocked — after all, HDMI output could be to only display on that computer :).

  10. Cox makes OOH streaming and downloading useless, so it’s hardly an issue for me. I guess my beef is with Cox, but still.

  11. Leave it to Tivo to F this up… again. Anyone want to take wagers on what the app update will do if your phone is rooted? Cable Labs strikes again, even just with streaming. Here’s to Root Cloak carrying the day if I even bother. Thank the maker for TsProtector on my jailbroken iPads.

  12. If you are rooted you are outta luck. Cloakroot (both versions) doesn’t work.

    Hopefully someone can tear apart the apk and find how it checks for root and circumvent that.

  13. Have you heard any rumors of a Windows Phone app. I don’t even mind if it had no streaming capabilities to start with as long as I could manage my Tivo with it. A universal app would be great so it could be used on both Windows phones and tablets.

  14. @Steven: Because Tivo’s lawyers suck and they’re too busy bowing down at the feet of their cable overlords.

  15. And that is pretty much why you won’t have downloads on Android — they can’t secure them, and if they can’t secure them, then they would lose certification from CableLabs…

  16. But Windows can secure them better? Tivo’s Windows software lets you download recordings to your PC AND convert it for android if you want. Letting the Android app do it itself would only make it more convenient.

    Besides, there are countless other video providers who have found a way to make this work on android.

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