MovieBeam Drops Price, Gets First Positive Review

I guess sales aren’t so brisk, as only a month after launch MovieBeam has dropped hardware pricing $50 (to $200) and done away with the $30 activation fee. Will it matter? Somehow I don’t think so… their pricing model needs some serious tweaking if they’re going to compete with a large, installed base of cable … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Slingbox whips Sony’s LocationFree TV. (Time) Porn industry may decide Blu-ray/HD-DVD winner. (PC World) DVR installations to grow by 100% a year. (ZDNet) No one really wants to buy UMD movies. (Kotaku)

Operation Aussie Sling

It’s been fairly well documented that you can Sling television feeds around the world, but Hobotech Ron and I wondered what type of quality one could expect outputting that signal to TV. So in the name of science, we broke several international laws to conduct an intercontinental experiment. Ron loaded up his Dell laptop with the SlingPlayer and viewed my Washington, DC-based Slingbox feed from his home in Canberra, Australia. As you can see above, video quality was decent on his rear projection TV with a consistent 320kbps-350kbps download bitrate (which is about what I get here in the US). We believe the limiting factor is not distance, but rather my DSL upload speed which is capped at 384kbps.

Ron says: I hooked it up to the RearPro via S-Video and my wife and I watched it for quite a while and came to the conclusion that, while less than perfect we would be quite happy to watch it, if it provided us with material we couldn’t get from any other source. A little bit like food, while one might prefer a steak, a hamburger will usually do quite well if that’s all that’s available!

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TiVo Desktop Mac Universal Binary Released, Video Enabled

TiVo quietly updated their Mac Desktop software from version 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 as a Universal binary. While this isn’t huge news, it does indicate TiVo hasn’t entirely forsaken Mac users and that development is ongoing. Perhaps we’ll still see OS X TiVoToGo support this year.

UPDATE: Dennis Wilkinson has discovered and documented how to enable an unsupported feature of the new Desktop software… Macs can now send MPEG2 video to TiVo! How cool is that?

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TiVo Wireless Adapter Deals

Alex over at TiVoBlog discovered the TiVo-branded wireless adapter selling at for $44.99 with free shipping. Dell is coming in at a low 39.95, but they’re charging shipping (this week) for orders under $50. Amazon and have the adapter in stock at the $49.99 list price. If you have an impulse control problem … Read more

BeyondTV On Mac Mini

Want to turn your Mac mini into a PC DVR using BeyondTV? All you need is Boot Camp, Windows, and an external tuner. Why? Because we can! Not to mention this is tons cheaper than EyeTV. If you’re pining away for HD tuning on that Mac mini, you’ll also need an external drive to keep up. Of course the next step is seeing if the SnapStream folks can get this to work within Parallel’s virtualization software…

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Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… One man’s experience with the MPEG-4 decoding Dish ViP622 HD DVR. (Extreme Tech) MSOs urged to quickly enter portable media market. (Cable Digital News) Wired publishes a static guide of online video services. (Wired) Yahoo unveils tech news and reviews site. (Yahoo) Davis Freeberg breaks down Netflix v. Blockbuster and beats down … Read more