Vizio Dumps Yahoo For Google?

Vizio’s begun dropping details on their 2011 lineup, including what could be a defection from Yahoo connected services in favor of Google’s broader ecosystem… which corresponds nicely with a Vizio expansion into mobile gear. This year Vizio Internet Apps (VIA) will become or be augmented by VIA Plus, their take on Google TV. While the … Read more

VidTrim: Simple, Free Video Editing on Android

Say you used your Android phone to shoot an 8 minute video of your cat playing with a toy, or a half hour video of your baby kind of lying on the floor doing nothing but looking cute. Now say you actually want to watch the video from time to time, but don’t have the free … Read more

This Old House: Goodbye SDV, Hello FiOS


The backstory… We moved into our new (old) home about three weeks ago. And, to be efficient, merely transferred our Cox cable and Internet services. Unfortunately, the migration wasn’t quite as seamless as I had hoped – including blown scheduling by Cox and several days without service at both the old and new locations (without restitution). Additionally, regular readers should be familiar with my ongoing switched digital video pain and Cox’s restrictive CCI Byte implementation… leading to severely crippled TiVos. So no one should be surprised I’d want to give Verizon’s FiOS a try. Given reader encouragement in the comments and an upcoming siding project, we accelerated the plan.

My original goal had been to run both Cox and Verizon services simultaneously, reserving the right to terminate the install at any time, but within 10 minutes of the technician surveying the landscape he started severing legacy coax – which is when I realized there was no turning back. The installer (Matt W.) very patiently and expertly accommodated every request and performed outstanding, detailed work during his 6.5 hour visit. Not only that, he refused every offer of a beverage and a generous tip.

Now I did inform Verizon ahead of time that I’d ordered service, but I’m not sure I received any sort of special treatment. In fact, it could have worked against me…


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The Year in Review

As the year winds down, it’s only natural for us to reflect back. And I’d like to think my early thoughts from CES 2010, captured on video (above), mostly panned out.

Despite industry hopes, it seems that the majority of my peers aren’t that fired up over 3D TV. While many have acquired 3D capabilities through HDTV or Blu-ray player upgrades, I’m not aware of anyone buying in specifically for that reason. Nor am I aware of any catching 3D content on any sort of frequent or even regular basis. As for me, my interest level remains close to zero. We’ll be picking  up a new HDTV (50″ – 55″ range) in the next month or so and I’ll actively seek out non-3D models as a way to save a few bucks.

Tablet-esque products gained considerable momentum in 2010, led by the Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad. Of course, these sorts of devices aren’t new. But the lightweight OS-es and custom UIs combined with favorable pricing, are — and what pushed this product category into the mainstream.

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Skype for iPhone Now Supports Video

Skype has launched an updated app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad that  supports Skype to Skype video calls over WiFi and 3G. You can use the new app to make calls to other Skype users on an iOS device, or anyone using the desktop version of Skype. Sure, you could already use Fring, Tango, or Apple’s FaceTime … Read more

Logitech Halts Revue Google TV Production?

Rumors suggest that Logitech has halted production of the Revue, one of the inaugural boxes providing the Google TV experience. Supposedly, this is a mere manufacturing suspension while Logitech awaits more polished Google software. Which seems to line up of with yet another rumor of new Google TV hardware delays. However, if accurate, the key … Read more

Got a Roku for Christmas?

Given its low price point, wide array of content “channels”, and easy operation, I suspect quite a large number of folks are unwrapping Roku Christmas gifts this weekend. And we’re here to help.

Based on incoming search traffic, some are having difficulty finding and linking Netflix. First off, the Roku consists of two main areas – your channel list or dashboard and the “Store” of all blessed content. Netflix should appear on your dashboard by default. In terms of navigation, the left directional button doesn’t send you to the prior screen as seen on many other boxes. Instead, use the up button to return to a previous area or menu or, alternately, try can the new back button symbolized by an arrow. Additionally, the OK button in the middle of the remote is equivalent to ‘select’ or ‘enter’. So you’d scroll towards the right using the directional button to highlight Netflix and then click OK. Once the Netflix apps comes up for the first time, it’ll walk you through linking your account – you’ll want to have computer handy to enter an authorization code into

In addition to the Channel Store, “private” channels also exist. These are often content offerings that have yet to be approved or are inappropriate for a wider audience to stumble upon (think adult or corporate training). Two in particular may interest you…

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Skype iPhone App To Offer Video Chat

It hasn’t been a very good week for Skype, dealing with some serious downtime issues, but it looks like there’s good news on the horizon. Skype offers mobile apps for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and other platforms which let you make free calls to other users and cheap calls to “real” phone numbers. Skype also offers desktop … Read more