TiVo’s gone ahead and launched their very own YouTube channel. And first up is the all new Badoop Badoop Show – premiering a week from Friday. Hosted by the “TiVo Diva,” TBBS is:
your weekly guide what’s hot in the world of TV, movies, music and more. Stay “in-the-know” with host Shanan and her guests, as they exchange tips, tricks, and recommendations on how to navigate the world of entertainment, straight from her San Francisco sofa. Warning: This is not your average entertainment news show. Prepare for random bits of pop trivia and kitschy cool info from unexpected angles.
While this isn’t TiVo’s first foray into regular programming, their original show (2000) was before my time – my DVR adventures began with ReplayTV. Unlike TiVo Takes (Daphne Brogdon) which was limited to customers, by reaching out beyond the box and posting Badoop on YouTube (with additional outlets in the works), this is more than just entertainment – it’s stealth advertising. Which is fine by me.