TiVo Roamio QWERTY Remote… Coming Soon?

Thanks to WSJ Live, via AOL ON, it looks like an upcoming TiVo Roamio Slide Remote has just been outed. The new IR/RF remote currently shipping with Roamio is getting something of mixed reviews, due to the exclusion of a learning function, as provided by prior TiVo remotes, and reduced range compared to the discontinued … Read more

WeaKnees Has The TiVo Roamio Antidote

After a mere 24 hours on the market, WeaKnees has delivered TiVo Roamio hard drive expansion. It may not come cheap, but the additional recording capacity certainly enhances the value of a new TiVo. And, perhaps amusingly, the TiVo Roamio Plus with 3TB of storage now clocks in at less than the stock TiVo Roamio … Read more

Opt Out Of TiVo Arbitration

After hearing from a couple of agitated TiVo customers regarding a change in terms, I fired up my Premiere Elite to the above message. In conjunction with Roamio’s launch, TiVo took the opportunity to update their Privacy Policy and User Agreement. And the sticking point, for some, is the new “class action/jury trial waiver” clause. … Read more

TiVo Roamio, The DVR Worth Dying For?

A round-up of TiVo Roamio launch coverage… check back for updates!


TiVo’s new DVRs are the company’s best yet

It took more than three years, but TiVo has finally delivered the DVR we hoped for when the Premiere first came out. The Roamio Plus addresses every major gripe we had, except the lack of HDMI-CEC. The speed improvement alone makes this a must-upgrade for any Premiere owner, and finally gives all the Series3 holdouts a reason to open their wallets. Is it perfect? No. Is it the innovative TiVo we used to expect? No, there are other six-tuner DVRs with amble space already on the market. Is it the best DVR ever released that works with ATSC or CableCARD? Absolutely.

The Verge
TiVo Roamio Pro review: this is the ultimate cable box

The TiVo Roamio Pro is very much the ultimate DVR — short of building a media center PC, there isn’t another product on the market that can do as much with as much flexibility as the Roamio. Installing it can be a huge pain, and it’s outrageously expensive — on top of the box, TiVo service costs either $14.99 / month or a ridiculous $499 flat fee per unit — but if you’re spending loads of money on cable service with premium channels, it’s worth it.

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Three TiVo Roamio Surprises

Thanks to a stellar network of sources and community sleuthing, we pretty much nailed the TiVo Roamio ahead of launch. However, TiVo did manage to surprise us with one very significant upcoming feature and two other interesting points. Your TiVo Is Your Slingbox! The higher-end 6-tuner TiVo Roamio Plus and Pro models will take their integrated Stream capabilities on … Read more

Com Hem TiVo In The Wild

Unlike the secrecy surrounding a typical American TiVo beta, Swedish cable provider Com Hem has just launched a 4 week initiative that is equal parts field trial and marketing campaign to simultaneously work out the kinks as they build buzz ahead of a fall launch. And, now that the 20 golden ticket winners have received their … Read more

Charter Retires TiVo Premiere Hardware. Pace or ActiveVideo on Deck?

Charter continues to spin down their TiVo Premiere leasing program with a request that all remaining units be returned: On September 10, 2013, TiVo Premiere service from Charter will no longer be available. To avoid interruption in your service, please visit a Charter Store before September 10, 2013 to exchange your current TiVo equipment and … Read more

TiVo Mini Now Streaming Netflix; Amazon Next

While I’ve been quite satisfied with my TiVo Mini as a DVR extender, it shipped crippled in terms of third-party streaming apps. And, after 6 months with no movement, I picked up another Roku today. Perhaps ironically, Sam Biller just discovered TiVo has (accidentally?) published Netflix and Amazon Instant icons to our Minis. Netflix appears to be … Read more