Dreading tax day? Well, I’ve got more bad news for you. Come April 15th, TiVo Series 3 owners unceremoniously lose access to Amazon Instant. Launched on TiVo way back in 2006 as Amazon Unbox (going HD in 2008), before we called these things “apps”, the video download service has been superseded by a streaming-centric approach that older TiVo hardware is likely incapable of handling (nor would anyone be willing to fund a significant engineering effort on hardware no longer available for purchase). As such, Amazon has begun alerting TiVo Series 3 owners. Presumably, “Series 3” also includes TiVo HD models and should Amazon video still be available to Series 2 DVRs, I expect it’ll similarly become inaccessible in the very near future. So while we may have indeed paid TiVo for “Lifetime Service” there’s no guarantees as to what that might consist of over time.
TiVo Lands Yahoo Screen (In Time For Community)
Although I may have burned out on Community, Yahoo has banked on it. And I know many of you have been eagerly anticipating its triumphant (over-the-top) return. Well, fear not TiVo lovers, as VP Margret Schmidt has surprised us with news that Yahoo Screen will be available to Roamio, Premiere, and Mini owners this week. Yahoo Screen on … Read more