Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… in Vegas! Comcast DVRs get banner ads. (PVRBlog) TiVo Series3 unboxed. (PVRWire) Disney flicks on iTunes next month? (Business Week) Diego (Moxi) CEO interviewed. (itvt)

TiVo Fall TV Guru Guide

Finally a Guru Guide of value! By subscribing online, this new guide will automatically record a variety of new shows and series premieres. The list is initially populated with Fox content, which generally debuts first, but your registration includes recording additional shows as the queue evolves. I checked in with TiVo, Inc and they have … Read more

TiVo’s Quarterly Report

I normally count on Thomas Hawk and Davis Freeberg to cover the financials of digital media companies. Since they haven’t chimed in yet, I’ll give you the brief summary: TiVo’s revenue and sales are up, compared to Q2 2005, but they’re still in the red — to the tune of $6.5 million. The only real … Read more

Amazon Pimps Fox Fall Shows Too

Wow, Fox content is popping up everywhere (TitanTV, Yahoo, AOL, IGN). This morning my mom got an email linked to an Amazon “Fox Fall TV Sneak Peek” page of numerous series video clips. UPDATE: Looks like Fox is advertising on 50 (!) sites. Wonder how much a video campaign of this magnitude costs… (Thanks Mom!)