Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… MythTV .20 released. (PVRWire) DVR patent to show advertising key frames during fast forward. (Engadget) AOL to stream NBC shows. (Reuters) Microsoft building YouTube clone. (TechCrunch) DirecTV over WIMAX? (GigaOM) To Offer TiVo Scheduling will offer TiVo scheduling online (like Yahoo) beginning next year. Great, now where’s that Series3? Gemstar-TV Guide (NASDAQ: GMST – News), a leading media, entertainment and technology company, and TiVo Inc. (NASDAQ: TIVO – News), the creator of and leader in television services for digital video recorders (DVR), today announced an agreement that will … Read more

TVHarmony AutoPilot Gets Major Updates

TVHarmony AutoPilot (free!) has always offered leading edge TiVoToGo desktop software, being the first with scheduled downloads and commercial skip functionality. I traded several emails with Will of TVHarmony, and I’m impressed with what he’s accomplished (and what he has planned). AutoPilot Beta 2 converts to and from a much greater variety of devices and … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Sony expands LocationFree lineup. (CNET) Popular Mechanics leaks TiVo Series3 price? (Engadget) Sling Media execs interviewed. (Geek) Satellite TV on your PC? (PVRWire) Slim Devices (Squeezebox) profiled. (GigaOM)

Yahoo Broadcasts NFL Online (Outside North America)

It’s not cheap, but if you need pro football action outside of America (and don’t have a Slingbox stationed in the US), the NFL and Yahoo have you covered. $249 gets you live coverage of every game via the web. Even better? Works on Macs too. Yahoo says: The National Football League and Yahoo!, Inc … Read more

TiVo Launches CBS Sportsline Fantasy Football

tivo-sports.jpgIf only they had announced this 2-3 weeks ago (as in before the first day of the NFL season)… My former fantasy league jumped to FleaFlicker and my current league is on Yahoo. If they had gotten this up sooner, I would have petitioned hard to keep one of my leagues on CBS Sportsline — because this is the most innovative and practical application I’ve seen out of the HME engine.

TiVo says: TiVo Inc, the creator of and the leader in television services for digital video recorders (DVRs), and CBS SportsLine, a leading Internet sports media organization and part of CBS Digital Media, announced today that CBS SportsLine Fantasy Football Companion can be accessed from any television connected to a broadband-enabled TiVo Series2 DVR. Registered users of CBS SportsLine Fantasy Football can manage their leagues, check stats and scores, and watch highlights from the comfort of their living rooms with their TiVo remote control. CBS SportsLine and TiVo are creating a new form of interactive sports programming for subscribers.

TiVo obviously has a big deal going with CBS: The press release indicates that in addition to rolling out the Fantasy Football HME app, TiVo will also be presenting CBS Sportsline video Showcases, Gold Star promotions, and interactive advertising tags. Earlier this week, TiVo also announced they would be premiering CBS’ The Class (via download) ahead of it’s live TV debut.

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