Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Custon BeyondTV GUI created for Hauppauge media extender. (SnapStream) SageTV looks for Mac beta volunteers. (PVRWire) AT&T’s U-verse going high def soon? (EngadgetHD) Sony creates choose-your-ending TiVo ad. (Engadget)

Three New Slingboxes Formally Announced

Peanut Butter & Jelly As we’ve seen over the last week or so Sling has been readying three new boxes. In my mind, the major difference between the Slingbox Classic and the new models is improved hardware allowing for higher resolutions (up to 640×480) at higher bitrates (up to 8000Kbps). Obviously, there are a few … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Yet another media streamer, Netgear’s DAVE launches with new name. (Engadget) DirecTV getting HD DVR with built-in home media features this fall. (EngadgetHD) TV DVD thrives despite downloads. (Video Business) Coming soon to the tiny screen: video downloads. (Time) Motorola acquires IPTV/VOD software infrastructure company Vertasent. (Motorola)

New Slingbox AV at Best Buy. Symbian Support!


sling-support2.jpgI was somewhat doubtful when I read yesterday that someone had picked up a new Slingbox, but I figured what the heck and headed over to Best Buy (Fairfax, VA) during lunch. Lo and behold, about half a dozen AV Slingboxes were on the shelf next to the original Slingbox. I had an employee ring up the price: $179.99. The side panel of the boxes confirms there will ultimately be three new models — the Tuner, AV, and Pro. The Tuner unit includes a built-in tuner (duh) for analog cable or antenna, the AV model is for controlling a set-top box, and the Pro model appears to support multiple sources and HD. The other side panel indicates support for Windows and Mac OSX… AND Symbian! (Which CEO Blake Krikorian alluded to two weeks ago.) I didn’t come across much more info on features (versus the “classic” Slingbox) or pricing of the other two models, though we gotta hear something official soon – right?

UPDATE: Ryan H from the Sling Community was a little more thorough than I when visiting his Best Buy in August, GA. The Best Buy computer shows the Tuner model listed at $150 and the Pro model listed at $250, both being available 10/22. Additionally, there’s a listing for a $50 HD connector.

sling-av.jpgUPDATE 2: Amazon has both the Slingbox AV and Slingbox Tuner online. Neither is available for purchase, though the AV is listed at $180 and can be pre-ordered for $155. The descriptions indicate a 400% improvement in picture quality over the original Slingbox. (Thanks Bill!)

Updated info:
The 2nd Generation Slingbox Resource Page
Three New Slingboxes Formally Announced

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Sirius Stilleto Officially Announced

Orbitcast has all the details on today’s Sirius Stiletto announcement. Highlights: 100 hours of Sirius programming storage 44 minute music buffer Schedule and record Includes both slim and standard batteries WiFi for Sirius Online Integration with Yahoo Music Sexy On sale this month $349 I might need one…

Deal O’ The Day: $139 Slingbox

Over on the TCF, I spotted a Slingbox for $139 deal. This is the lowest price I’ve ever seen — which may or may not have to do with the rumored introduction of new boxes later this week. Don’t tell the authorities, but Mom (1,000 miles away) has been “watching TV” on her laptop … Read more

Dave’s Dilema: What to do with the Series3?

The time has come to make a decision… my options are to return or to purchase my Series3 review unit. I’ve really enjoyed using the S3 TiVo and it sure beats the Moto 6412, but it seems like a lot of cash. On the other hand, maybe TiVo, Inc should just leave it with me … Read more