Mac SlingPlayer Is Here!

I scheduled this post to run at 11:23PM EST… By the time it’s published, you should be able to download the public beta of the Mac SlingPlayer (and I should be sleeping). I haven’t seen a press release, in fact I don’t know if there will be one. But I can tell you I’ve seen … Read more

Placeshifting And The Law

Various media groups continue to choose sides in the brewing placeshifting battle. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has vocalized their support of the Slingbox as a means of remotely viewing content a consumer has paid for for, while Major League Baseball and HBO suggest placeshifting may break service agreements and violate copyright law. Now the … Read more

ZNF Contest Reminder

Tomorrow is the last day get your entry in… one Teflon apron and four TiVo coasters are looking for a home. Contest recap: To enter you must email me ( and your subject heading must say CHEF TIVO. Second, tell me either why you deserve or why you want the prize OR offer up a … Read more

Amazon Unbox Movies On Xbox 360

There was some question upon the launch of Amazon’s Unbox movie download service if it would be possible to stream flicks to a TV via the Xbox 360. The answer is yes, and Amazon has provided these simple steps to automagically stream purchased content to a 360 from a Windows Media Center PC: Download an … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Copy and collate Internet video with Tioti. (TechCrunch) Tag DRM-ed Amazon products as such. (Defective by Design) Buy an HD DVD player, get three HD DVDs free. (EngadgetHD) Another Apple iPod touch screen patent application. (Apple Insider)

ZNF, It’s All Fun & Games…

First thing’s first… Way back in March, I spontaneously ran a contest to guess the release date and price of the Series3. Aaron, an internal medicine hospitalist from Richmond, VA was the big winner with a 9/15 @ $849 prediction. I offered him a choice of a TiVo-branded wireless adapter or gift certificate from Amazon … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Summary of 3Q Netflix subscribers and finances. (Hacking Netflix) TiVo, the thrill is gone. (Denver Post) Q&A with Sling Media’s European VP. (e-consultancy) AT&T U-Verse getting HD model and web console in November. (EngadgetHD)