TiVoToGo On Your Mac

Want TiVoToGo on your Mac? Nearly two years after being released, TiVo, Inc may have failed to deliver but the hacker community has heeded our call. As of 12/05/06 the solution requires a little elbow grease and some command line action, but the difficulty level is reasonable until a polished app arrives in the near … Read more

TiVoToGo Reverse Engineered

I haven’t been following the Wiki lately, but it looks like TiVoToGo encryption has been cracked and a barebones (as in command line) conversion app is out. What does this mean? You don’t need TiVo Desktop software or a PC (!) to decrypt and playback TiVo shows. Had TiVo released Mac (and Linux) decryption and … Read more

ZNF Update

You may have noticed some down time over the last few days. While I can understand my hosting provider choking on big Digg days, as they did last week with the Ladies of eBay, I will not tolerate downtime on normal traffic days as they’ve done each of the last four days. I haven’t had … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… DirecTV SAT+GO! brown box does portable satellite TV: Gizmodo AOL offering free holiday movie downloads on Saturday: TechCrunch Wal-Mart joins the digital movie download fray: Engadget Better Options than Verizon-YouTube Lite: GigaOm Descriptions and prices of various media extenders: PVRWire

CNET Editor James Kim & Family Missing

Horrible news… James Kim and his family have not returned from a Pacific Northwest road trip. They were last seen Saturday in Oregon driving their silver 2005 Saab station wagon with California tags of “DOESF.” See the documents below for more detailed information and contact numbers. :( James and Kati web page San Francisco Police … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: TiVo Q3 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Wall Street hits pause on TiVo: CNN Money Struggling TiVo insists the sun’ll come out tomorrow: USA Today TiVo beats expectations again: Forbes Earnings Call Transcript: Seeking Alpha Third quarter results press release: TiVo SEC 8-K summary: TiVo