Roku Preps New Smart Home Cameras… Without Wyze?

Nearly two years ago, streaming TV pioneer Roku expanded into the smart home … with a questionable partner in Wyze.

Now, by way of the FCC, we see Roku potentially reducing their smart home dependence and risk by engaging Leedarson for new indoor and outdoor camera hardware vs once again leaning on Wyze’s typical manufacturing partners. For context, Leedarson powers much of the IKEA Smart Home.

As to technical capabilities of these new Roku cams, I assume they’re continuing to target the budget market and these would be spec-ed as such. The regulatory filings indicate the presence of just 2.4Ghz WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy, presumably for efficient pairing. Based on the photos, it seems possible they’re moving away from microUSB and embracing USB-C. But that could also be wishful thinking on my part. Documentation indicates both the Roku indoor and outdoor cameras are technologically the same, simply differing by housing and power.

On the software side, it’s likely Wyze will continue to drive or at least assist with the Roku Smart Home app given the complexity of extricating oneself from these sorts of partnerships. But time will tell.

1 thought on “Roku Preps New Smart Home Cameras… Without Wyze?”

  1. It’s possible that Wyze has also brought on this new hardware partner. However, I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that. Not yet, anyway. Will keep my eyes peeled.

    A Facebook comment wondered if this is simply a cost savings strategy. Which could be entirely possible, either solely or in conjunction with risk reduction (tho possibly incurring complexity/integration expenses).

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