TiVo Stream Back In Stock, Adds Premium Sideloading


After a couple month absence, with the ports reopened and another production run under their belts, TiVo Stream ($130) is back in stock. And, along with it, comes a TiVo Stream software update that enables “premium sideloading” for iPad and iPhone as first referenced at CES. However, it’s not actually the act of sideloading or downloading that’s “premium” — rather, it’s the ability to get at content that’s been flagged as ‘copy once’ via the CCI Byte. When appropriately applied and for most providers, we’re talking premium cable content like HBO… versus, say, the misguided Time Warner Cable approach that flags just about everything other than the locals. Whereas these recordinings were previously inaccessible from iOS, they can now be transferred for offline viewing… assuming you’re OK in deleting it from the source DVR. Presumably, this functionality has or will also make its way to Roamio devices. Indeed, it seems like an incremental post-OnePass update is already rolling. With Android downloads on the horizon too, it’s all looking pretty rosy for TiVo owners with a penchant for mobile.

(Thanks John R and JWhites!)

21 thoughts on “TiVo Stream Back In Stock, Adds Premium Sideloading”

  1. “After a couple month absence, with the ports reopened and another production run under their belts…”

    That union action to close all the USB ports on the West Coast until they got a fair settlement was pretty damn disruptive, no?

    (Someone should create an updated ‘Maslow needs’ humorous graphic to be widely shared on Twitter that reflects current realities.)

  2. “However, it’s not actually the act of sideloading or downloading that’s “premium” — rather, it’s the ability to get at content that’s been flagged as ‘copy once’ via the CCI Byte.”

    TiVo’s solution is quite clever in finding a way to use the precise letter of the CCI Byte law to accommodate consumers.

  3. Keep in mind that the premium sideloading capability has been available on the Roamio Plus/Pro since the OnePass software release. This update gets TiVo Stream users up to the same level of functionality. I have already used the premium sideloading for a recent business trip — offloading a few HBO movies to my iPad. It worked well.

  4. John R who tipped me off to some of this had learned about it via TiVo’s OnePass marketing. But I hadn’t known it was already live across the board. Very cool. Maybe I try to get in on that 10 year Roamio dealio now. Hm. :)

  5. I believe this was asked when the rumor first broke about premium sideloading, but any news about this function being available to KMTTG? I would love to move all of my movies from when Verizon FIOS gave me HBO free for 2 months, to my PC to free up space on my TiVo. I guess as an alternative…would 2 hops (copy to iDevice/Android and then to PC) be possible?

  6. “Keep in mind that the premium sideloading capability has been available on the Roamio Plus/Pro since the OnePass software release.”

    That’s what I thought, but I didn’t want to pipe up, cuz I haven’t used the feature.


    “Very cool. Maybe I try to get in on that 10 year Roamio dealio now. Hm.”

    Nah. TiVo is being most excellent in continuing to support the S4 on a non-priority basis. (I’m being non-ironic about the ‘most excellent’ thing. They really don’t have to bother at all, other than just being a cool company.) So you can hold off, Dave, it’ll come to your S4 in three or four months, just like all the other new features, cheapie…

  7. They wouldn’t have to if it was just retail… but most of their US MSO boxes are Premiere, which forces the issue for them. I could benefit from the extra tuners, but if I bought a Plus (which is the deal) I’d end up with 1TB vs my current 2TB and have to fork over another $100 or whatever to expand. The Stream functionality is superior to Slingbox *around the home* and in relation to downloads… instead of spending $130 and adding clutter, might make more sense to get in on the Roamio deal if they’ll have me. Also, I’d put a Roamio in the family room and offload that Mini for like $100 (versus the XL4 which is headless in the basement). Percolating.

  8. What is the 10-year Roamio deal? My XL4 has been hovering between 85-95% capacity since September (keep having to delete unwatched series). I’ve been waiting on the TiVo Mega, thinking it will be the Be-all/End-all media server for my entire house, but would jump on a really good Roamio deal.

  9. If you’ve been a customer about 10 years, many folks have been offered a TiVo Roamio Plus for $500, including Lifetime. It’s not handled online, only via calling in. Seems to still be going on. But the Plus is 1GB vs the Pro which is 3GB and XL4 which is 2GB. So you’d probably have to upgrade the drive – the good news is that upgrades are amazingly easy these days, bare drives self format.


    I’m mostly good on capacity, but could benefit from additional tuners and streaming. Related, looks like Amazon ran out of Streams after I posted – tho some third parties still have them in stock on Amazon (as does TiVo.com).

  10. “But the Plus is 1GB vs the Pro which is 3GB and XL4 which is 2GB. So you’d probably have to upgrade the drive – the good news is that upgrades are amazingly easy these days, bare drives self format.”

    See? Point taken on the S4 MSO update situation. But still, cool company. I’m old enough to remember when you had to walk six miles through the snow, barefoot, in order to upgrade a TiVo hard drive. And I walked those frostbite miles! Now they’ve made it so you just need the skills to successfully handle a screwdriver.

    And the 10 yr thing is indicative of ‘cool company’ too, even though I personally don’t yet qualify.

    “I’m mostly good on capacity”


    That’s like saying you have enough bacon in the fridge to last the rest of your life…

  11. “Percolating.”

    And for Buddha’s sake, please don’t percolate. When you percolate, you boil and re-boil the coffee, producing a brew that’s quite popular in the ninth circle of hell. Instead, filter drip your thoughts, or moka pot your thoughts.

    Remember, Buddha achieved enlightenment for the sole purpose of ensuring all sentient beings wouldn’t have to drink percolated coffee or have percolated thoughts…

  12. It’s actually pretty funny. If I want to transfer something premium I just record it twice..

  13. “It’s actually pretty funny. If I want to transfer something premium I just record it twice..”

    Smart cookie, you are. Perfectly legit in CCI Byte law-land…

  14. I didn’t buy a Stream or Roamio yet, but I’m watching NBC4 via the FiOS Mobile app at the kitchen table. Accept the defaults! But, yeah, the 10 year customer promo is ‘cool’ – even cooler than launching it, is them keeping it around even if (or because it’s) on the down low. Another secret deal is putting Lifetime on old two-tuner Premieres for $99. I forget the timing/math to make it work tho. Something about three years?

  15. Chuck D: Xfinity X1 is a hero to most. But it never meant sh*t to me you see. Straight up crippled that sucker is. Simple and plain.

    Flavor Flav: M*th*rf*ck that and MSO live streaming video with neither skippable ads nor DVR functionaly, and John Wayne.

    Chuck D: What we got to say. Customizable use-case-scenarios to the people no delay. To make everybody see. In order to fight the defaults that be.

    Chorus: Fight the defaults. We’ve got to fight the defaults that be.

  16. I had 3 premieres and a ProHD on my account when I got the Roamio deal. I hadn’t known or realized I was eligible for the lifetime price on the old units. Put lifetime on all of them and made money on all of them on Ebay.

  17. With the ability to sideload content to Android devices coming soon, I’m trying to get my gear in order for summer. What’s the best device to sideload content onto, with the intention of playing it back in HD on a flatscreen tv in an RV or travel trailer? Looking for something that has a lot of capacity, good video without jitters and stutters, and responsive fast forward / rewind.

  18. “Chucky: Just had to say: Very funny Public Enemy references!”

    So get up, get, get get down
    FIOS DVR is a joke in yo town
    Get up, get, get, get down
    Lame FIOS DVR wears the lame crown

    They don’t care cause they stay paid anyway
    They treat you like an ace that can’t beat a trey
    A no-use DVR for no-use people
    If your show is on the line then you’re dead today

  19. “What’s the best device to sideload content onto, with the intention of playing it back in HD on a flatscreen tv in an RV or travel trailer?”

    A commenter here recently mentioned excellent experiences in bringing his actual TiVo DVR with him on vacation. You’d experience far better results than with any kind of sideloading solution, with significant improvements in capacity, PQ, and UX.

    No incoming cable signal needed, obviously, for recorded shows. Only downside is you won’t be able to record new stuff while you’re gone.

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