It just goes to show you, there are penalties to be paid for even the slightest time off the grid. Two pretty awesome deals hit Techbargains yesterday… Yet both are sold out as of this morning. However, I do expect them to come around again and so we must stay vigilant.
First up, the Apple Outlet was offering refurbished 11″ MacBook Airs for a mere $850. Yeah the system is probably under powered for full time usage, but it absolutely crushes anything that goes by “netbook.” As the owner of a 13″ MBA, I’m not really in the market for an even smaller form factor laptop. In fact, I’m contemplating realigning my computing platforms by replacing this laptop with an iPad 2 (whenever it hits) and all-in-one desktop – perhaps an iMac, but not necessarily. But for those in the market for a web browsing and document editing device with a full-on keyboard in a sleek package, this would be hard to pass up.
Next, Western Digital was offering recertified WDTV Live Plus devices for about 50% off at $60. Tom and I took a look a few months back and liked what we saw. It’s similar in size and function to the Roku. Whereas the Roku has more online content partners/providers, WDTV offers much more robust local media playback. But the biggies like Netflix, YouTube, and Pandora are present and accounted for.
Tell me about it, I’m in India at the moment, staying connected has proven to be SOMEWHAT difficult outside of majors.