The Sony DSC-WX1 Panorama Contest, Part Deux

Last December, in cooperation with Sony, WeSay, and Technorati Media, I was provided the pocketable Sony DSC-WX1 with the task of shooting some interesting panoramas. And it turns out, folks dug my work, as a panorama I snapped from the shore of Point of Rocks won the competition. Although, it wasn’t my favorite panorama… preferring, instead, the ones above (click to enlarge).

The first photo was shot from the top of the Olympic Tower in Munich overlooking BMW’s campus and starring my wife. The second photo was taken at the Dulles annex of the Air and Space Museum, featuring the SR-71 Blackbird. Which is quite possibly the coolest plane ever. And if you look real, real close you might be able to see bits of the Enola Gay in the background.

Regardless, I won with the river/bridge shot. And as the winner, Sony donated a number of cameras (plus memory cards, thankfully) to the school of my choice. As we rarely discuss my life beyond tech, most folks probably are unaware that I have a pair of degrees in education, not to mention those TWO PhD programs I bailed on, and therefore know a great number of educators. But I narrowed my selection down to a very worthy recipient in Washington Middle School (La Habra, CA) where the cameras will be used within the school newspaper and video news after-school programs. Click to enlarge the photos below, taken at the school and shot with the Sony cams:

Published by
Dave Zatz