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Old Mobile TV and New Mobile TV

The broadcast digital transition today reminded me of all the old “portable” TV sets that were once the height of cool tech, and are now headed to the junk yard. (Don’t throw them away, find out where to recycle at I had a couple versions of these old mobile TVs. One was portable in the sense that you could move the six-inch-by-12-inch block from outlet to outlet or regularly feed it six C batteries. The other was small enough to hang around my neck and took some smaller form of battery. Neither got reception worth a damn.

In contrast, today’s mobile TV is both watchable and more convenient. But interestingly it’s not what I pictured a few short years ago. It’s not broadcast signals on my cell phone. Back in January I had the phenomenal experience of getting to watch the presidential inauguration live in HD on my netbook while on kid patrol at a local moonbounce warehouse. It felt like magic. Last weekend I had an equally magical mobile TV moment at, of all places, Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Despite following excellent instructions on how to negotiate around long waits at the park, there were still a few long-ish lines that couldn’t be avoided. Enter the iPod. Not even our iPod Touch, mind you, just the regular iPod with video. My three-year-old daughter patiently waited her turn to see the Disney princesses with stored up TV and movies at hand – in her hand, actually. Obviously nothing was live, but it was still mobile TV to her, and far more entertaining than the snowy pictures of my old portable sets.  We’ve truly entered the era of mobile TV, whether it’s as we envisioned or not.

Published by
Mari Silbey