I don’t know if my TiVo really gets me (I’m so misunderstood), but if your TiVo does and you’d like to frighten your spouse or children with a pair of funky antennae just leave a comment. I’ll randomly pick a winner tomorrow.
31 thoughts on “TiVo Antennae Giveaway”
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Most of the time my TiVo gets me, except for when it randomly records “Days of Our Lives” in my suggestions folder…Hmmmm
My Tivo not only gets me, it _____’s me.
I refuse to fill in that blank. ;)
The ‘getsme’ site needs more stuff to do on it (interacting with other users as well as your own tivo and the tivo mothership). There’s a lot of untapped potential there.
I’m in.
My TiVo gets me. Now, if only my S3 TiVo could get 8.3 and I could get eSATA to work..
Actually… zatz gets me!
I’m in as well!!!
I’ll take ’em…
Ooh! Now those would rock!
Tivo gets me. And I get my Tivo.
Send them my way :)
Ultimate geeky fun… I guess TiVo does get me.
Fun contest, count me in.
My kids would love to wear this…
My wife has been looking for a set of these count me in Dave.
Count me in.
My TiVoSwag gets me.
– Craig
My TiVo get’s me…well most of the time, except when it records stuff off of the woman channel…My fiance loves the TiVo itself, but hates the little TiVo guy. She thinks it’s creepy how his “eye” blinks on the startup movie…
ooh, pick me, pick me!
Pretty please? Always a fun halloween idea !
According to Random.org, Chris is the winner.
Hook it up!!!
Although I think that my Tivo gets me most of the time, somke of the suggestions that it comes up with do make me wonder – to my knowledge I have never watched the news in Chinese, so I am not sure what the box thinks I want to.
Please pick me!
I’d love a pair. Please pick me!
Pick me! :)
“TiVo, you complete me” “you had me at Boop Bupp”
I got a pair of those at Best Buy this past weekend, along with a purple “My TiVo Gets Me” t-shirt. I was going to wear it to work today, but even the wife told me I looked stupid. Hah!
I didn’t get no stinkin’ t-shirt – and here I thought TiVo PR was taking care of me. ;)
Me! Me! Pick me!! :)
Oh, too late… :(
Never mind.