KFC & The Mosquito

So now that I’m close friends with the Colonel, he’s looped me in to all their advertising techniques. Today, KFC launches a television commercial utilizing the “mosquito tone” that only those young whipper snappers can hear.

Anyone 20ish or younger care to verify that the sound is present?

KFC Mosquito Video

UPDATE: The YouTube transcoding somehow enabled the audio so that anyone can hear it. Mark kindly posted the source .mov which prevents us ole foggies from hearing the screech.

13 thoughts on “KFC & The Mosquito”

  1. I don’t get it. I heard the sound, but it’s just an annoying beep. It doesn’t seem to ad anything to the commercial, and definitely doesn’t make me want to buy fried chicken.

  2. I’m 33 and I heard the sound… I guess it’s supposed to grab your attention… but when fast forwarding through commercials with my TiVo I doubt I’ll even notice.

  3. The point seems to be media attention/publicity and it looks like I’m feeding the machine. ;)

    The first 1,000 people who log onto KFC.com and can guess where the MosquitoTone™ is embedded in the new ad will win $10 in KFC gift checks which may be used toward the purchase of the new Boneless Variety Bucket.

    YouTube somehow revealed the tone. It’s not audible in the source .mov file I have, but I hear it too on YouTube. That’s interesting. Wonder if I can embed that file directly.

  4. I give up, KFC’s gotten enough of my time for the week. I can’t seem to directly embed the QuickTime file. As a 35 year old, I cannot hear the tone in it… Though I do hear it on YouTube.

  5. At 44 years of age – just this minute actually – I can hear it quite fine. Who’d want that annoying thing in anything on tv or radio, unless you want to irritate people into not buying your product.

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