The latest Joost beta (0.9) is available for download – for both Mac OS X and Windows. Along with the software comes a few Beta invites… Some are already spoken for, but go ahead and leave a comment if you’d like one. If I can’t help you now, I may be able to help you later. Though, given this version number, it looks like we must be getting close to launch.
Update: Chris Tew of Web TV Wire has graciously agreed to donate a few of his invites. And I’m still working some other angles to secure more…
Have been following this and would love a Beta invite. Thanks Dave!
I would love an invite if you have one to spare.
Thanks, Tim
I don’t know how many you have to spare, but I’d love an invite if you get this far down the list.
Would love to check it out.
If you’ve got an invite to spare, I’d love one.
I’d take an invite if you have any available.
I’ll take an invite, too, if you have any left!
If you have any invites left, I’d like to check this out.
(Hmm, do I smell a content partner for the SlingCatcher? ;-) )
Is Joost as cool as Boost Mobile? Where you at dog? Invites are cool. Plus I may have something you want. Let’s just say it has a picture of Honest Abe and its shiny.
I would definitely like to check this out as well… I always liken Azureus Zudeo to the TiVo killer once one of these programs really takes off.
Would love an invite as well.
Hey Dave, I’d love to get an invite if you have any left over. I signed up for the beta awhile ago, but I guess they weren’t very much interested in me. :-(
Far more requests, than invitations… Let me see if I can get some additional invites to distribute.
Can I gate an invite!
If you get any more invites, I’d very much like one.
Cool. An invite would be very nice :)
I don’t want an invite.
I don’t want an invite either, but I want you to give one to “Pol Pot Pie” above even though he doesn’t want it. Serves him right.
Me Me ! I want invite, pretty please!
Anything with P2P and Video is my kind of App!
i would love an invite if it’s still available. thanks!
I’d love an invite if you still have any.
Looking forward to the final product, love to try the beta.
Hmm, list is pretty long, but I have been looking forward to trying Joost to replace phpBB, so would also like to try the beta.
I’d really love to see how this stacks up against what I have seen.
I would love an invite if any are left. Thanks!
I would like a invite if you have any left please.
Man, I am a late comer, but would also love an invite!
I would love an invite.. Looks interesting.
I would also love an Invite.. if You still have some left
I’m probably too late but maybe some kind soul with an invite could send one to me.
I’d love one man!
I would really like an invite please!
Anymore invites; I’d love to participate.
Yes, please! thanks Dave
I would love an invite if there are any left.
None left. However, the next time I get invites I’ll randomly select folks from this list. If you were one of the lucky ones to receive an invite, please consider donating 1 future invite to ZNF so we can get everyone hooked up.
There’s a new internet tv site called viewmy.tv that just added an Apple widget to view TV. Works really well and you can totally customise it.
i would love a joost invite . please please send me one
Hi Dave!
Would You please be so kind to send an invite to an older IT specialist from Estonia?
Thank You very much