A periodic roundup of relevant news…

- Philips cranks out Windows Vista Media Center remotes: Chris Lanier
- BBC to offer free show downloads for the US: BBC
- Hands on with Akimbo’s new RCA box: GigaOM
- Walmart bundles adult content with Zune: Fox Chicago
- Arrington dumps Netflix for Blockbuster: TechCrunch
- Purchase a TiVo Series3 for as low (ha) as $511: TiVo Lovers
Heck Yeah!!,
I am finally going HD with Tivo. I got in on that deal, $510!! Sure, I could have waited till after Christmas for a POSSIBLE lower price, but that hit just above my “Willing to pay” zone of $400-$500 so I am happy!
Welcome to the Series3 family, CheezWiz. :-)