TiVo Launches Ad Comparison Widget (To Sell Services)

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In an effort to drum up business for their commercial Stop||Watch audience measurement services, TiVo has launched a free web widget that compares the relative effectiveness of television brand advertising. I’d originally intended to pass on this bit of “news” as it’s not really directed at us gadget-loving consumers and I wonder if TiVo’s sample is differentiated enough to be of value.

But MethodicJon produced the interesting comparison above that motivated me to fire up the editor. TiVo indicates that DISH Network (their enemy) is outperforming DirecTV (their ally) in audience retention, while their own national television advertising campaign failed to register for whatever reasons – maybe date, scope, or region?

7 thoughts on “TiVo Launches Ad Comparison Widget (To Sell Services)”

  1. I never even saw the TiVo infomercial though I would guess this is more looking at true commercials rather than infomercials. Then again I remember seeing DirecTV ads, but I don’t think I have ever seen a Dish Ad except in my local junk mail.

  2. “I’d originally intended to pass on this bit of “news” as it’s not really directed at us gadget-loving consumers”

    Ah, but that’s where you add value, Dave.

    Reading the trades and translating the interesting bits for the consumer adds some spice to the stew. It may not be the meat of the blog, but it does add flavor.

  3. Why would TiVo customers watch infomercials for products that they already own?

    Okay, owners of older models might want to see what the TiVo Premiere offers, but:

    1. I’d expect a lot of those customers to find that information by other means. (Besides, TiVo advertises the Premiere in the TiVo menus already.)

    2. One of the big points about having a TiVo box is to not need to channel surf anymore. No TiVo owner is going to look through the guide and intentionally switch to “Paid Program”, let alone schedule it to be recorded.

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