Ojo Video Phone Lives! Er, Again!

I doubt I’ll ever tire of covering Ojo video phones. Why, you ask? Because I have a history with these puppies. But more on that in a moment. Today, WorldGate has announced general availability of the Ojo Vision digital video phone with bundled calling plans. Sign up for a two-year contract, and you can get … Read more

VLC Media Player May Hit The iPad Soon

VLC is a sort of Swiss Army Knife media player for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The open source software is known for being able to handle almost any video format you can throw at it, and for having a ton of customization options. Now it looks like the iPad could get some of that VLC … Read more

Where’s the Vulkano Review?

Several of you have checked in with me, wondering if or when I’ll be taking a look at the multi-function Vulkano — a device that is something more than a Slingbox-esque placeshifter, by also incorporating recording capabilities along with local media and Internet video streaming to a television. And I can tell you my review … Read more

Stream Media from PC to iPhone with ZumoCast

Zumocast is a new app from the folks behind the ZumoDrive online storage service. While ZumoDrive is designed to let you quickly and easily upload files to the web and access them from any computer as if they were local files, Zumocast is kind of the opposite. You set up the ZumoCast server software on … Read more

Sony’s Qriosity: Curiouser and Curiouser

While most of the tech world was focused on the Apple event yesterday, Sony announced expansion plans for its streaming media service, Qriosity. Qriosity’s been around in the US for a few months, offering on-demand movie titles to consumers who own Sony connected devices. This week’s announcement adds five European countries to the distribution list, … Read more

Plex on iPad Impressive, but Imperfect

Plex is a media center application for Mac based on XBMC. The latest version, called Plex/Nine for the Mac was released this week, and in addition to the desktop software there’s also a new iOS app. The mobile app promises to act as a remote control for your desktop as well as a way to watch … Read more

The New Apple TV Kinda Disappoints Me

Somewhere along the path of logic and rumor, reality struck. As the new Apple TV isn’t yet the iOS app-ilicious platform many of us (including me) had anticipated. Sure, it’s got apps… but they’re a pre-loaded and limited affair managed by Apple. The notable and possibly contradictory partner service is provided by Netflix. But there’s no … Read more

Apple Teases iOS 4.2 with AirPlay Media Streaming

Been waiting (im)patiently for the Apple iPad to gain the multitasking capabilities that are already available for the iPhone and iPod touch? It looks like you might have to wait a little longer. Apple says the next update for the iPad will be iOS 4.2, which will also be available for the iPhone and iPod … Read more