Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our other blogs: Motorola and Marriott Link Up: Connected Home 2 Go CEO Roberts on Comcast: Connected Home 2 Go Marketing Fiber to the Home (RFOG): Connected Home 2 Go Salvaging Fox Business News’ Online Reputation: Davis Freeberg

Hulu’s Looking Good


I received my Hulu beta invite last night, and I’ve got to say the service is looking pretty good. If you recall, the Hulu video portal was originally conceived of by NBC and is now an independent entity with various studio and web relationships.

At this point, the Hulu site is pretty spartan (too much white space and sharp edges) and content organization options are basic (please give me a filter to hide video more than a decade old like Kojak and Dragnet), but having a significant amount of primetime multi-studio television shows in the stable is huge. I also appreciate the simple, Flash-based video playback interface over a stand-alone application (think Joost).

I’m having home networking probs this week, and was unable to transfer 30 Rock from the Series3 to the TiVo HD. Instead of troubleshooting, I caught “Cougars” via Hulu in fullscreen. The resolution wasn’t great for my 1440×900 Macbook Pro, but it was watchable. And the few commercials were relatively painless – a good excuse to check email in another Firefox tab. In fact, I also ended up viewing the pilot episode of USA’s Burn Notice – it’s on hiatus but Mari’s been raving about it. Maybe someone at Hulu will read this and post the remaining episodes…

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SDV USB Dongle Details Emerge

Mari’s leveraged her Motorola connections and dug up some USB SDV “tuning resolver” details: Working prototype produced in only four months Committed to deployment by end of Q2, 2008 Boxes provided by MSO, pricing undetermined Motorola’s form factor similar to small DCT700 cable box (shown above) Initial implementation does not support VOD, but it could … Read more

NFL Online: Packers vs. Cowboys

I discovered fairly late that the Packers/Cowboys game is available online for those of us with cable service not getting tonight’s NFL game. I’m not getting consistent streaming quality, but for the most part it’s pretty good. Definitely a workable temporary solution until the NFL Network and cable operators start being friends again. UPDATE: Hmm. … Read more

Details on TiVo Series 4?

TiVo just released their third quarter earnings. In addition to the typical net loss ($8.2 million this time around), some interesting details on a future TiVo box have emerged:

TiVo and the cable industry have come to an agreement on a blue-print for a retail TiVo DVR using the cable industry’s OpenCable Application Platform that will have full two-way cable service functionality. While the technical specifications are still being worked out, such a set-top box will mean TiVo subscribers will be able to get full access to cable VOD and other two-way cable services. This could also mean that a standalone TiVo offering could fully substitute for a cable operator set-top box. This understanding was communicated yesterday to the FCC through an ex parte filing by TiVo.

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FCC’s Martin Forced to Back Down from Regulatory Ambitions


When the I hit the video link on the FCC’s website yesterday at 11:00 am, I was faced with a familiar site: a bunch of suits milling around and not doing much of anything. Instead of leaving the scene on for hours as I did back in September, I shut off the link and tried again about an hour later. This time, no connection at all.

It turns out that the FCC’s scheduled meeting to discuss possible new cable regulations was delayed until after 9:00 pm. Chairman Kevin Martin has been pushing hard to impose new regulatory restrictions on the industry based on his assessment that cable has reached a threshold where its services are available to 70% of the population, and at least 70% of those folks count themselves as subscribers. Unfortunately for Martin, his math has been widely discredited (examples here and here), and he ran up against a brick wall yesterday when he tried to push his point.

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The NCTA & TiVo Confirm SDV Dongle For 2008

TiVo and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) have confirmed a switched digital video (SDV) dongle is in under development which will allow retail CableCARD devices (like the TiVo HD and Series3) to receive SDV digital programming: The adapter will work on any Unidirectional Digital Cable Ready Product (UDCP) that has a USB connector … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our other blogs: Blockbuster’s Rental To Retail Paradigm Shift: Davis Freeberg’s Digital Connection DVR + VOD = Less Live TV: Connected Home 2 Go Consumers Watching TV on Network Websites: Connected Home 2 Go Make a Life Timeline For Organizing Photos: Brent Evans Greek Tonic HDTV Football Versus … Read more