XM Vista Gadget

I may not always adore my Vista media center, but Microsoft got it right with the sidebar. And I just learned about a worthy XM gadget over on Addicted to Digital Media. I’ve only played with ((XM Online Radio)) a few minutes, but it’s a keeper – the widget is simple and works well. In … Read more

Amazon Grabs Audible

Amazon announced today that it is acquiring Audible.com, the best known digital audiobook company around. The resources of Amazon behind Audible? That’s great news for consumers. And for Amazon itself, what a way to build up digital content. As Brad Linder over on Download Squad points out, we’re seeing an Apple vs. Amazon arms race. … Read more

Where’s Dave?

I’m here. Really. Had a busy week in the office and my MacBook Pro -> MacBook Pro migration took far too long and felt a bit Windows-esque… including an OS reinstall. While the fanboys may want to blame this one on me, I had some serious high-powered former Apple employee assistance and it’s not user … Read more

The Great Port Debate

When Apple announced the MacBook Air I had an immediate reaction to the absence of an Ethernet port. It went something like this, “What, no Ethernet port?” It’s not that I need an Ethernet port often, but when I do, it’s critical. Take CES. I was in the press room with a limited window of … Read more

Oops, I Did It Again

As you can see from the picture above, I pulled the trigger on an iPhone. Yes I’m a sucker for sexy gadgets, but I also had a few practical reasons for picking up the handset. The obvious one (given who I am and what I cover) is video playback. A decent chunk of my downtime … Read more

An iPhone Question…

Let’s say I lose all self control in the near future, and accidentally pick up an iPhone (despite the lack of Exchange support)… What’s the most compact headphone adapter I could get? OR Which headphones should I replace my beloved entry-level Shures with? An on-line mic is not a requirement.

Apple’s Other Announcements

Two questions I have following Macworld’s live keynote coverage: Will Time Capsule functionality be made available to existing Airport Extreme base stations with USB-connected hard drives? (As mine is configured.) Will the MacBook Air‘s new multi-touch interface (that I requested) be made available on existing MacBook models? You can probably guess which answer I’m hoping … Read more

iTunes Movie Rentals Launch, Apple TV Gets HD Content

As rumored and speculated, Apple has pulled the trigger on iTunes movie rentals for Macs/PCs, iPods, iPhones, and Apple TV (see second paragraph). 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Disney, Paramount, Universal, and Sony are the larger studios in their stable. Typical digital rental terms: Begin watching within 30 days of download, 24 hours to complete … Read more