You’ve probably noticed I’ve got an iPad in the house. And, along with the loaner, comes some mixed feelings. It still doesn’t really solve a problem I have, falling as it does between my smartphone collection and MacBook Air. In fact, the first few weeks I possessed the iPad, I only pulled it out when my iPhone was on empty. On the other hand, the software (apps), features, and new use cases are beginning to catch up to the promise of the form factor.
With that in mind, I’ve said all along I’ll probably pick up an iPad 2 whenever Apple chooses to grace us with one. I expect the next iteration will be a bit more practical, hopefully lighter weight and with a SD card reader as rumored. Paired with a Bluetooth keyboard case of some sort, I could see possibly retiring my laptop (and picking up an iMac or Wind0ws 7 equivalent).
Yet we’re not there. And who knows when we will be. But Apple isn’t the only game in town…