As you can see above and described here, TiVo has flipped the switch on remote access — allowing Roamio Pro and Plus units to stream both live and recorded content via WiFi. Of course, this functionality is only available to iPad and iPhone owners at launch. But Android support, along with cellular access, is expected in 2014 (with no word on other potential platforms). Further, anything locked down by your cable provider will be blocked. (Sorry, TWC customers and HBO subscribers.) Remote functionality will hit the TiVo Stream next month, bringing these very same capabilities to the base Roamio DVR and prior generation TiVo Premiere.
We’re planning an in-depth look after we’ve had a few days with the solution — is Roamio a Slingbox-killer? How does TiVo’s implementation compare to DISH Hopper placeshifting running on equivalent hardware? Will my wife loan me her iPhone again? Stay tuned…