TiVo, Advertising, and The Mercury News

As you probably suspect, I’ve been somewhat ambivalent of TiVo’s expanded/additional in-DVR advertising initiatives. While I support their desire to increase revenue and reach profitability, as a paying subscriber I am leery of ads negatively impacting my DVR experience. Additionally, I have (unfounded?) fears that easy advertising dollars could discourage TiVo from pursuing my VOD/PPV … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… back in America! Cable industry and partners want to bury CableCARD. (PVRBlog) TiVo opens system software/bugfix 7.3.1 priority list. (Megazone) Slingbox on sale for $149 at CompUSA and BestBuy. (jkOnTheRun) HDTV picture quality issues and how to fix them. (Popular Mechanics) Archos plans WiFi-enabled PMPs. (Engadget)

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… in Canada! DVD versus download. (CNN Money) ATI releases Avivo video converter for portables and DivX. (ATI) Comcast buys digital media services company. (GigaOm) Slingbox celebrates first birthday. (Sling Community) Malaysia gets first DVR. (NextNews)

SlingCorder Gets New Name, Features

Applian’s SlingCorder has been updated and renamed (at Sling’s request) as the At-Large Recorder. Feature enhancements include repeating scheduled recordings, an updated interface, and the ability to automatically launch the SlingPlayer. It’s a neat little app and does what it says, though my TiVo already does a decent job handling my scheduled recordings. ;) As … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… in Canada! Newly manufactured 25″+ TVs must contain ATSC digital tuners starting today. (HD Beat) Ready for TV pop-up advertising? (Tampa Tribune) Catch the Shuttle launch in HD today. (HDNet) Toshiba still wants unified DVD format. (eWeek) MobiTV now available for Windows Mobile 5.0. (Engadget Mobile)

Dave’s Mobile Multimedia

I no longer ride the subway to work, so now my commute is far less interesting and far less productive. However, I still have a fond place in my heart for portable multimedia. The two media apps I find myself using most frequently (which can’t be accessed on a subway) are the portable Slingbox player … Read more

TiVo S2 80HR Fire Sale

Get a new 80 hour Series 2 for free after rebates! If you already have service, a second unit runs only $6.95/mo. I think it’s safe to say this model is heading out… not surprising given digital tuner regulation going into effect next year. Buy.com Best Buy Circuit City CompUSA

TiVo Converter Desktop 2.3 Hack Released

Todd Perlmutter responded to my request for a custom GUI and has delivered the TiVo Converter Wrapper. TCW allows you to choose an encoding profile and queue up .tivo shows for conversion. Unlike TiVo Desktop, you can transcode multiple shows on demand and irrespective of folder location (and without mucking around in XML and the … Read more