How To Upgrade Your TiVo Series3 Hard Drive

Ben over at EngadgetHD has documented the 2 hour procedure to upgrade a stock TiVo Series3 250GB hard drive to something a bit more roomy. If you’d prefer a little more handholding, Weaknees and PTVUpgrade sell both upgraded Series3 units and larger Series3 replacement drives. (As does the TiVo Community Store via PTVUpgrade, with a … Read more

Mac TiVoToGo Non-Update, Sling Public Beta Opens 10/31

Over on the TCF a disgruntled Apple owner posted a note he received from TiVo when questioning the status of Mac TiVoToGo. I’m not sure TiVo initially gave this initiative the appropriate amount of attention, but I do appreciate what appears to be a frank response — despite calling Apple out (what’s a closed platform?) … Read more

48 Hours Of Sirius Internet Radio Free

Sirius is offering a 2-day promotion (today and tomorrow) of free Internet radio to highlight Stern is now online. I just registered and it was quick and easy, without requiring a credit card number, though I doubt I’d ever go for a paid account at $12.95 a month… I get tons of free online music … Read more

DVD Jon Is A Masochist

DVD Jon, the guy who cracked DVD encryption, has set up shop in California as DoubleTwist Ventures. His goal is to pirate license technology enabling iTunes to play on non-iPods and non-iTunes DRM-ed tracks to play on iPods (how’s that working out, Real?). It would be nice if Apple’s copy protection scheme (aka FairPlay) was … Read more

Deal of the Day: TiVo Series3 @ $680

The newly opened TiVo Community Store is running a great promotion: Get the TiVo Series3 for $680 after applying a 15% off coupon. No tax and free shipping! The secret word of the day is TCDEAL. You better hurry, because this offer expires Sunday.

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Windows MCE Plugin Edition! WebGuide 4 provides remote MCE management. (jkOnTheRun) Big Screen Headlines RSS reader for MCE. (eHomeUpgrade) MCE Tunes supports iTunes DRM playback. (Chris Lanier)

iPod Celebrates Birthday, Dave Prepares For His

Today the iPod is officially 5 years old. What really broke the seal on the portable MP3 (or is that AAC?) player market was Apple’s intuitive UI and minimalist controls. Despite the initial price premium, they sold a ton and created an industry (iTunes probably also saved the recording industry from itself). I’ve owned a … Read more

Deal of the Day: TiVo With 1yr Service, $125

s2-tivo.jpgI just received a limited time promotion TiVo affiliate email: Now through 10/31 you can pick up a new 80 hour Series2 TiVo including 1 year of service for only $125. This is the lowest I’ve ever seen the 80hr model offered for (and cheaper than the YWCA deal)… wonder if they’re finally closing them out? (In favor of the Series2 dual-tuning model, which is somewhat compliant with next year’s “no NTSC tuner without ATSC tuner” FCC mandate.)

If this had been available a few weeks ago, I could have saved $30 on my mom’s unit. I’m still getting her up to speed… the first lessons have covered VCR controls (pause, ffw, rewind), instant replay, and using the guide. We’ve also gone over the Live TV button as a means to recover if she ever gets lost. Maybe this week we’ll move on to recording!

If you pick up a unit, remember referred you. ;)

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